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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Pet Blogger Hop!

Today is appropriately the New Year's blog hop over at BlogPaws. How many of you are ready to leave 2015 behind and ring in the new year? Yay! I see all paws raised!

We're waiting for the new year...how will we know when it's arrived?

Let's ask our blogging buddies over at the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Pet Blogger Hop...they'll know!


meowmeowmans said...

Happy new year to you and your family, Bocci!

Kinley Westie said...

It are when da peeps go nutso wif da noisemakers and sham-pain.

Colby, Raven, Elsa said...

When you see fireworks it might be new years! :)

Piranha Banana said...

Adorable! Happy New Year!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Bocci you look great watching for the New Year. And, on the sidebar, that's quite an extensive list of items you have ruined since 2008. I'm still chuckling. But I guess your owner is not so amused.

Duke said...

Happy New Year to you and your peeps, Bocci!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...


Doggie's Doing A Comedy Turn said...

Happy New Year to you when 2016 arrives at your doorstep.

Unknown said...

Hi pal! Lovely snap!

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