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Thursday, August 27, 2015

A Decade Since Hurricane Katrina: The ASPCA Wants You To Be Prepared!

    With a little planning and preparation, we can all do better!

Ten years ago this Sunday, Hurricane Katrina barreled into Louisiana, leaving massive tragedy in its wake. The hurricane and subsequent levy break left nearly 2000 people dead and at least 600,000 pets deceased or homeless. A key finding from evaluating response efforts and interviewing residents of the hardest hit districts revealed that nearly half (44%) of the people who refused to evacuate said they did so because they could not bring their pets with them. Despite this tragic wake-up call and ten years of seeing other natural disasters cut paths of destruction, a recent poll shows that 35% of pet owners still don't have disaster preparedness plans in place.

But wait! The ASPCA is here to help you change that! First, check out their nifty, "When Disaster Strikes" infographic, which includes simple steps that can save lives in case of an emergency.

Then, please "Take the Pledge" to prepare for your pets in the event of a natural disaster and share the infographic on all your social media channels. Remember: Your pets lives may depend on it!

Many thanks to the ASPCA for taking the lead on natural disaster preparedness for you and your pets!


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