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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sunday's "Living With Your Pet" Tips: Is Your Dog Nearing Heat Stroke?

I look cool, calm and collected here, but that's not always the case when I'm outdoors. Parental Unit says I over-heat pretty easily.

Summer's officially in full swing, and as the temperatures rise, so does the risk of your dog suffering  ill affects from the heat. Particularly worrisome is heat stroke, when a dog's body temperature gets too high (typically above 106 degrees), which can result in multiple organ dysfunction if left untreated.

Our friends at PetMD have compiled this handy slide show of the Top Five signs of heat stroke in canines and what you should do to both prevent and treat this condition. Of course, beyond a certain point emergency veterinary care is necessary.

Do we need to even mention that you should never leave your dog in your car when the weather is even just warm? Dogs don't have the same cooling systems as humans do, so we overheat more quickly. But who wouldn't overheat in a car with the window down just a crack? Take a gander at this chart from our buddies at the ASPCA:

Although most of us are pretty vigilant about our pets' health and safety, it doesn't hurt to be reminded of the basics. Let us know how you protect your pooch form overheating in hot weather. The more information, the better!


KB said...

Great reminders! It's never very hot where I live but the town where I shop etc is 3000' lower and hot. So, I only bring my dog if I am visiting places where she's welcome to come in with me. Otherwise, she stays home and cool!

Bocci said...

Thanks for your insight, KB Bear. Parental Unit loves to take me with her when she runs errands but like you, I only join her when I'm welcome where she shops. She's also afraid that I'll get stolen from the car and has never left me alone even for a second. Well, I am cute and super friendly!

meowmeowmans said...

Thanks for the reminders, Bocci! The hot weather is no joke!

Duke said...

We are never left in the car alone - it's not really a heat thing. It's a safety thing. But about the heat - our mom imagines us feeling like she feels when she has a sweatshirt on. Summer is too hot for a sweatshirt and if she wouldn't like roasting in a sweatshirt in the heat, than neither would we.

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

The Daily Pip said...

Good tips. In the last few summers of Pip's life, he wore a cooling vest when he was outside. Because of his heart issues, he would overheat very easily. I definitely recommend a cooling vest for older or ill dogs. It worked wonders.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Mom is so sick of seeing pups locked in hot cars. She doesn't have time to wait and yell at the owner and wait for authorities
Lily & Edward

Bocci said...

Thanks for the cooling vest idea, Pip and Ruby. Parental Unit will look into that after my next vet visit.
And it's so hard to tell when to call authorities...will the owners be out within seconds?

Cathy Keisha said...

Keep cool!

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