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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Pet Blogger Hop!

Today's Wordless Wednesday theme over at BlogPaws is "Birthday Buddy"— don't miss this adorable photo of nine years young Harley and his birthday guests!

Meanwhile, back at the Ohio ranch...

I once helped Ms. Bella celebrate her birthday...in my own way, of course. Parental Unit said I "helped" by looking sullen .

Now on to the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Pet Blogger Hop to meet some new birthday buddies!


Unknown said...

Yes but barkdays Bocci means stupid hats alas. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Unknown said...

I know what would have helped cheer Ms. Bella up...a big plate of Harley's spaghetti, lol!

Duke said...

You look so cute in your birthday hat, Bocci!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Kinley Westie said...

BOL, ya don't look too eggcited bout da hat.

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