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Thursday, January 08, 2015

Top Indoor Dog Toys

Our buddies at DogChannel.com (Dog Fancy's online presence), has compiled a list of cool dog toys that are perfect for the indoors. With the subzero temps in many parts of the country, it's the perfect time to add some new play things to your dog's indoor activities. Speaking only for me, I'd love that movable, barking bushy tail—puts me to mind of a squirrel!

I must admit to loving my new duck—when I squeeze it, Parental Unit thinks there's a whole flock of geese flying overhead.

Let us know what you think of Dog Fancy's list of indoor dog toys, and what you use for indoor playtime for your dog.

P.S. Our giveaway of a terrific book: Travels with Casey, My Journey Through Our Dog-Crazy Country, by Benoit Denizet-Lewis, ends tonight at midnight. You still have time to enter!


Duke said...

What cool toys! We would love to have any one of them but the ball launcher has to be at the top of the list! That is just the most awesome toy!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

The Daily Pip said...

What a great idea! I'll check out your contest now.

Bocci said...

Aren't those cool toys? I'd love the ball launcher, too, but our house is pretty small... not much place for the balls to go! Guessing it could be used outside. I've heard that people use those tennis ball launchers for their dogs—now that would drive me crazy!

Two French Bulldogs said...

We read that post. Some cool stuff
Lily & Edward

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Brrrrrrrrrrr are you FREEZING like WE are??? We want SPRING to hurry... We have been playing some BORED Games... in the Warm house... butt THEY are even getting BORING now... We want to be able to go OUT and Play...
TRY to stay WARM....

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