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Monday, November 24, 2014

Living With Your Pet Tips: Thanksgiving Pet Safety Tips

Since Thanksgiving is right around the corner, we thought the ASPCA's top safety tips for the biggest food holiday of the year are apropos.

Remember, when your pets look at you like this during your holiday dinner...give 'em a little something. Just not lots of turkey fat or gravy.


Sheltie Times said...

What is hard is getting the relatives to resist not giving them stuff that makes them sick when they look so darn cute.

Bocci said...

I have Parental Unit trained...hehehe!
Seriously, I will get small amounts of unadorned turkey, potatoes and green beans...and maybe a smidgen of pumpkin pie. These delicious fixiins have never affected me adversely.

Duke said...

We don't get to eat the main course but if we're good pups, we get a forkful of pumpkin pie at the end. We're very happy with that, Bocci!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

The Daily Pip said...

Maybe we will give Ruby a tiny bite of pumpkin pie this Thanksgiving.

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