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Sunday, October 12, 2014

Dogs And Squirrels And The Hunter Within...

The hunter within your dog, that is. Like me cornering a squirrel, below.

 One of the blogs hosted by the The New York Times is called "Menagerie" and focuses on essays about people and their relationships with pets and other animals. Today, this marvelous essay from  "Menagerie" was printed in the Sunday paper, "The Dog, the Squirrel and the Moment of Brilliance."  Why, Parental Unit thought the author was talking about me!

Poor Parental Unit is torn: She does want me to indulge my natural instincts (and to get in some extra exercise) by chasing those bushy-tailed glorified rats. In fact, when I'm upstairs trying to get some shut-eye, she'll often call me down: "Bocci, there's a squirrel in your yard!" And since she's proven to be right, I rush down to safeguard my property. On the other hand, she really doesn't want me to catch one. I've come close a few times, and I swear you could hear her scream for miles....


Kinley Westie said...

I've caught em before - and rats and mice.

Duke said...

Our mom understands your mom's concerns, Bocci. We corner chippers all the time and mom is always fearing for everyone's safety!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

My peeps is exactly the same. Chasing is good catching is not. Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly

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