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Friday, May 16, 2014

Deaf Shelter Dog Learns Sign Language

        Sweet Rosie, a deaf shelter pooch finds her forever home.

Thanks to our friends at DogTime Media, we learned about this heartwarming shelter success story out of Nebraska. Although it's not easy for any dog to find a loving home once in a shelter, it's particularly hard for dogs with special needs. Take Pit Bull Rosie, for example. She had at least two strikes against her: She's a Pit Bull, and this breed is more likely than not to be euthanized at shelters because of laws, breed stereotyping or failing to properly temperament test these dogs. But four year old Rosie is also deaf and didn't have much confidence- shelter workers watched her get passed by day after day.

The good news is that all it takes is one person to take an interest in giving a pooch a little extra help. A shelter volunteer taught Rosie basic commands in sign language, and within weeks she learned "good girl", "sit" and "outside". This helped her to blossom, and to become more confident and outgoing...just in time for Cindy Koch, a deaf woman searching for a new pup,  to take a shine to her. Happy update on Rosie: She's learned many new signs (she's a super fast learner, says her new mom), and Koch plans to teach her many more. Yes, it just takes a little extra effort from one person to save a life...


Sheltie Times said...

What a great match. Also proof of what can be done when people work to give shelter dogs the skills/behavioral training they need to function in the outside world, not just waiting hoping a future owner will be up to the task of doing the training. It makes it so much more likely for pets to get adopted.

So glad to hear about such a great match.

Duke said...

What a wonderful story! We are so happy for Rosie!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Cowspotdog said...

When we lived in Nebraska we use to visit the deaf school every week and I taught Reilly sign language so the kids could talk to him

Unknown said...

So happy for Rosie. Way to go. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Bocci said...

Oh, how wonderful Teilley-Denny! We didn't even know dogs could learn sign language until we read this article. What a lovely thing to do for both your dogs and those kids!

Two French Bulldogs said...

That is so cool. Mom teaches us some commands in sign language too
Lily & Edward

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