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Monday, March 17, 2014

Irish Dogs Galore!

I've been told I look a wee bit like a Wheaton Terrier and/or Irish Terrier...what do you think? Really, it matters not, cause we're all Irish today!

Here's the lowdown on Irish dog breeds from our friends at Pet MD.  A Happy, Fun St. Patty's Day to ya!


Unknown said...

Have a marvellous Monday Bocci and Happy St Patrick's Day and may luck be with you.
Best wishes Molly

Cowspotdog said...

O St Patricks Day - we think everyone has some Irish in them :)

Duke said...

Definitely Terrier blood! Happy St Patrick's Day, Bocci!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Brinley Westie said...

Happy St. Paddy's!

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