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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Zuke's "Z-Bones" Dental Chews: Review And Giveaway!

 You can win your very own 8 Pack of Zuke's Z-Bones in the size and flavor of your choice. See details at the end of this post to enter!
You already know that we're a fan of Zuke's products—remember that massive treat giveaway we did just a few months ago? One of the few Zuke's items not included in that giveaway was their famous edible dental chews: the Z-Bone. Zuke's was generous enough to send us one 8 pack of their Carrot, medium-sized Z-Bones for our review, and will ship another 8 pack to our one lucky winner—in the size and flavor of their choice. The opinions that follow are 100% our own! Rest assured that our opinions cannot be swayed by one 8 Pack of dental chews...O.K., maybe by two packs. (Hehehe-just kidding!)

On to our review...Parental Unit is always looking for some relatively pleasant way to clean some of that tartar from my teeth, and it appears that she's found that in Zuke's edible dental chews. They come in sizes to fit every pooch and in a variety of flavors: Carrot, Berry and Apple.
Important Note: These chews are not recommended for dogs under 10 pounds or less than six months of age. And we strongly recommend that you supervise your dog from "start to finish" when he's working on Z-Bones or any other dental chew.

Since I weigh about 32 pounds and love carrots (I'm not into fruits), Parental Unit chose the "Regular Size" Z-Bones dental chews for dogs 25-60 pounds, in the "Clean Carrot Crisp" flavor.

                              Here's my very own 8 Pack.

You also know that Parental Unit doesn't eat anything herself, or feed anything to me, unless she's scrutinized the ingredient list using her reading glasses and near surgical level light source. The Z- Bone ingredients are potato and pea-based, and in our flavor, include carrots and pumpkin, plus Parsley, Alfalfa, Rosemary, Turmeric and Fennel. According to Zuke's information, the herbs "naturally freshen breath by supporting digestion."

    Here I am about to receive my first Zuke's edible dental chew.

And when I get something I really like...I immediately run up to my "man cave" (under Parental Unit's bed) and start playing, or in this case chewing away.

Although Parental Unit did not officially document her observations, she believes that Zuke's Dental Chews did remove a decent amount of tartar from my upper and lower molars. I've had four of these chews so far and can safely rate them a four paws up! And because Parental Unit approves of the ingredients and sees how much I enjoy them (plus that tartar removal thing), she gives them an enthusiastic two thumbs up!

                       Now on to our giveaway!

 ONE lucky winner will receive one 8 Pack of Zuke's Z-Bone Edible Dental Chews in the size and flavor of their choice. This giveaway is limited to residents of the continental United States.

Here are the requirements to enter: No anonymous comments, please!

1. "Like" our Facebook page: See top of right sidebar or click here: www.facebook.com/pages/Boccis-Beefs/190090017696328?ref=stream

2. Follow Bocci's Beefs on Google Friends Connect on right sidebar, right under "Join the Fun"!

3. You must give this giveaway a shout-out on your Twitter or Facebook page by using the buttons below this post-easy!

4. Comment on this post and indicate in your ONE comment that you'd like to enter this giveaway. Please leave only ONE comment—you will not get more opportunities to win for any comments beyond one. Thanks!

This contest will run from today, Sunday February 16, 2014 through Saturday March 1, 2014 at 8:00 EST.


                                       Good Luck!


Cowspotdog said...

we have seen these at our pet store - but gosh they are expensive so we haven't tried them yet so yes we would like to enter and have a chance to try them.

Duke said...

We've never had the Zuke's dental bones. They sure do look yummy, Bocci!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

ruckustheeskie said...

I did all of the above! Please enter me for this giveaway!

Linda Szymoniak said...

I'd love to win these for my dogs, so consider this my entry. I liked your FB page, follow you on GFC, and tweeted to my Twitter page (@urdchan).

Unknown said...

Glad you enjoyed and they helped with cleaning your nashers. Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly

Unknown said...

I completed all the tasks. Thanks for the great giveaways! Sissy loves dental chews. I gave a shoutout on Twitter. Here's the link.


ladyvon5845 said...

I completed all. Zoey would be my girlfriend forever if I won these for her. She loves her treats.

Unknown said...

Shiloh loves the berry Zuke's bars! I completed all the steps and would love to enter this giveaway. https://twitter.com/high_volzage/status/435597892275802112

Cheryl Chervitz said...

I have two Boston's that would love to try these bones. They love the other Zukes products that they have had.

evie said...

they just got bought out by purina??? or p&g...my independent dog store no longer carries them b/c of this.......my girls would like them but i would donate t the pet food bank....like, shared on twitter -https://twitter.com/evietressa/status/435664772894179328, gfc as evie...like to win to donate to the pet food bank at safe haven....

Shelley P said...

My dogs would love to try these :) I liked your FB page (Shelley Joy), follow you on GFC (Shelley), and tweeted (@ShellChis) to enter this giveaway. TY.

Unknown said...

I'd like to enter this giveaway!

Katie said...

i am a Facebook fan and follow you on Google friend connect, shared this giveaway on twitter https://twitter.com/katiemitchell1/status/437178109205311488
my dogs would like the clean berry zukes

Unknown said...

Please enter me in the giveaway!! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I would love to enter this giveaway! :)

Unknown said...

Liked you on FB as Rachael Henzman
Following on GFC as Rachael H.
Tweeted this here: https://twitter.com/3whiskateers/status/438430222350708737

Thanks for the giveaway!

Rachael Henzman
the3whiskateers [at] hotmail [dot] com

Deanna said...

completed everything and want to enter...and win!

Anonymous said...

Did all! Please enter me into the giveaway!

Sky Evans said...

Please enter me!

Unknown said...

I follow on Facebook & GFC and shared on Twitter. My pups would love to win some Zuke's Z-Bones!

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