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Friday, February 14, 2014

Share The Love With Our Furry Friends!

            Photo of this handsome pooch courtesy of the ASPCA

Share the love this Valentine's Day by spreading good cheer, indulging yourself in something chocolate (humans only!) spending time with that special someone...

And perhaps doing a little something for dogs and cats in need. Our friends at the ASPCA have what we've dubbed a  "share the love" campaign going on right now, so consider becoming an ASPCA Guardian... and then indulge!

             By the way, I can look pretty good in a bow tie, too!

Happy Valentine's Day to all our human and furry friends! Let us know how you're sharing the love with your pet today!


meowmeowmans said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Bocci!

Cowspotdog said...

Have a wonderful day Bocci - you are lookin handsome in your bow tie

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

♥♥Happy Valentines Day♥♥

Wishing mew a beautiful day

Bestest purrs

Basil XOX

Duke said...

You look so handsome in your red bowtie, Bocci! Happy Valentine's Day!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Wyatt said...

Happy ♥ Day! You look great in a bow tie!


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