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Wednesday, January 08, 2014

BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Pet Blogger Hop!

The "theme" this week (and this entire month) over at BlogPaws is "Get Fit With Your Pet"—the perfect way to start the new year, we say! And while you're there, check out their fabulous new website. BlogPaws is certainly ready for 2014!

You know, we stay pretty fit around here: Parental Unit does her (almost) daily exercises and we go for decently long walks. But when it's nice out, I'd love to spend more time romping outdoors.

            I do look like the outdoorsy, high energy type, don't I?

Now let's visit the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Hop and meet some new pals!


Unknown said...

Getting fit with your pet is the best thing you can do. For yourself and your pet!

This is what we write about on slimdoggy.com. Check it out for some fitness and dog food tips.


Unknown said...

I count on Bella to get my rear in gear. She's relentless
Sue & Boo

Flea said...

That illustration you posted - is that a capybara?

Duke said...

We got our walkie in today, Bocci! It was 14 degrees and sunny and mom and dad said, "let's go"! yippeeeeeeeeeeeee

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Sagira said...

That looks nice and comfy!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Golden LAUGHS! I know you are ... its good to be a fit healthy dog. Happy BlogPaws WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Unknown said...

That looks like the perfect spot to watch all the action.

Bocci said...

Oh, it's the perfect spot alright, Maggie!

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