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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

And The Winner Of The Boots & Barkley Holiday Pet Bowl And Treat Jar Is...!

We're pleased to announce the lucky winner of the Boots & Barkley holiday-themed pet bowl and  treat jar on this New Year's Eve, courtesy of our friends at Target. There were a total of 19 comments, but we're only plugging in the numbers 1-18 because the last comment was published after the 12/30/13, 8:00 pm EST deadline. Very sorry, but we feel this is being fair to everyone.

So here's what our new best friend, the Random Sequence Generator from Random.org produced:

Random Sequence Generator

Here is your sequence:
Timestamp: 2013-12-31 23:54:50 UTC
The 6th comment is from Evie! Let's all put our paws together in a New Year's Eve round of applause
for Evie! And thanks to all who entered! We'll contact Evie by email and her bowl and treat jar will magically appear on her doorstep within days.
As we look toward 2014, we'll be doing lots of giveaways, in addition to bringing you news about the shelter and rescue world and consistently promoting in every way we know how, the adoption and rescue of our companion animal friends. We also love bringing you news of the weird, wild and wacky goings on in the world of pets and their humans, and we're sure there will be lots of those stories in the coming year. Thanks for a memorable 2013 and on to the new year!


Unknown said...

Wishing you and your family a very Happy & Prosperous New Year. May all your dreams come true in 2014. Have a wonderful Wednesday and we hope you had a pawsome night.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

Congratulations to Evie!
Happy New Year, Bocci!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

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