We think this is a pretty nifty infographic, created by our friends at BlogPaws as part of their month-long celebration of "Adopt-A-Pet" Month. Perhaps "celebration" isn't quite the right word, but BlogPaws and its community of "Be the Change" pet bloggers, and other members of the animal welfare community have worked mighty hard during the month of October, as they do year-round, to call attention to the millions of pets entering shelters each year. And unfortunately, most of those perfectly healthy and loving creatures are euthanized because they simply can't find a forever home. Although there are lots of reasons for this embarrassingly high euthanasia rate, we all need to call attention to the facts outlined in the infographic below, and urge our friends and family to "Adopt, Don't Shop"! And please take the next step and share as much information as you can about adoptable shelter pets through your social media channels. Remember: We are their voice!

Very informative. We wish there were more no kill shelters and less pets who are put down.So sad. Have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly
Those number are so hard to see...Makes you think about how many loving dogs and cats are put down each year through no fault of their own
Those numbers are hard to see, and it's hard to believe that this is still happening as 2013 draws to a close...
That is very sad. I wish many more people would adopt instead of buy from pet stores or breeders.
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