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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday's "Living With Your Pet" Tips: Safe Fall Hikes With Your Dog

     Fabulous photo of me by John Clark of Clark Creative

If you're all excited to get outdoors again after a long, hot summer and take your pooch on a hike rather than just a walk, you might want to first read these tips from our friends at the ASPCA

Hopefully we'll get to go on at least one major hike this fall, but if we do, I can assure you that Parental Unit will be prepared-she acts like we're going into the wilderness each time we go out the door! Although I love to make fun of her, if you're going on a real hike, the ASPCA recommends that you take enough water for both of you-"nature's water bowls" like streams, lakes or puddles, are off limits-they may contain parasites or toxins. And if you typically use a retractable leash, leave them home for a hike-they're prone to getting tangled and don't give you enough control over your dog in an emergency situation-which could be just fellow hikers with their own dogs. And don't forget ID firmly attached to your dog's collar with your cell phone number (This is one thing that Parental Unit must do, pronto).

If you do go on a fabulous fall hike, let us know-we'd love to know where you found some great fall foliage! Meanwhile, I've had my backpack on for days now...


Unknown said...

We do love your backpack. Very smart. Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

We love your backpack, Bocci! You carry your own treats, right?

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Bocci said...

Doesn't that backpack fit me perfectly? We both love it. Yes, I carry my treats, but Parental Unit thinks my water is too "heavy" for me, so she carries it-she thinks I'm a wimp!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Those are some good tips
Benny & Lily

Sagira said...

Some great hiking advice especially yucky retractable leashes.

The Daily Pip said...

I don't do much hiking anymore, but I do like to go for rides around the block in my stroller!

Your pal, Pip

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