For my annual trip to the vet, I just hop in the car and go-tail wagging furiously-like we did just this morning. But for our cat Bella, her annual visits are another story...Parental Unit gets stressed out because she has to "lie" to Bella to get her into the carrier and then feels guilty because she calls her (and Ms. Bella comes 100% of the time when she's called), starts to feed her with a treat near the carrier, then ends up shoving her in-just like the pet care guru, Steve Dale, says is not the best way to begin your cat's trip in this video. But he offers some common sense alternatives to make your cat's visit to the vet a lot less stressful for both of you. See what you think...
Now on to this week's Pet Blogger Hop!

Happy Saturday to everyone-and whadayasay we dogs go hoppin' right away?! We'll meet at the Old Elm Tree, chase some squirrels, and then visit everyones' blogs together-how does that sound? And we're NOT giving up on Timmy! Stay tuned...
Here are just a few, easy-to-follow rules for joining this hop:
__ Use the Linky tool provided to sign up. Note: if your blog is not pet-related it will be removed from the list.
__Follow the three hosts at the top of the list (and while you're at it, follow us-we'd appreciate it!)
__ Peruse these fabulous blogs and follow and comment as you desire.
P.S. We're suspending tomorrow's regularly scheduled programing to bring you a very special celebration and giveaway from the ASPCA-so check back tomorrow to enter!

Happy Saturday to everyone-and whadayasay we dogs go hoppin' right away?! We'll meet at the Old Elm Tree, chase some squirrels, and then visit everyones' blogs together-how does that sound? And we're NOT giving up on Timmy! Stay tuned...
Here are just a few, easy-to-follow rules for joining this hop:
__ Use the Linky tool provided to sign up. Note: if your blog is not pet-related it will be removed from the list.
__Follow the three hosts at the top of the list (and while you're at it, follow us-we'd appreciate it!)
__ Peruse these fabulous blogs and follow and comment as you desire.
__ Use the Linky tool provided to sign up. Note: if your blog is not pet-related it will be removed from the list.
__Follow the three hosts at the top of the list (and while you're at it, follow us-we'd appreciate it!)
__ Peruse these fabulous blogs and follow and comment as you desire.
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