Fabulous photo of me by John Clark of Clark Creative

Yes, spring time is just about here, and Parental Unit and I have been going on some extra long walks and dog park visits...but it's also the season for both human and dog allergies (we're both sneezing like crazy!), plus quite a few other, more direct hazards that you humans cook up. How many of you do that crazy thing called "spring cleaning" or home improvement projects, or lawn work, or...?
This article by the ASPCA explains how you can ensure that spring and its attendant fun and chores don't hurt Fido or Fluffy. And don't forget to gobble up the remaining chocolate Easter candy-or hide it under lock and key! It's fairly easy to remember to keep the chocolate and other treats out of your pets' reach on the holiday itself, but as time passes, those tasty bunnies can hop to unexpected places... Here's one scenario that's happened at our house: Bella gets up on the kitchen counters and knocks things off-things that she just seems to know that I will enjoy eating. Thanks Bella!
How will you embrace spring and at the same time, protect your pets? Let us know!
Thanks for the great read!
Great info, Bocci! Thank you!
Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly
Thanks Bocci, good reminders
Benny & Lily
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