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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday's "Living With Your Pet Tips: Flying with Fido

        Fabulous photo of me by John Clark of Clark Creative

Planning to take your pooch with you on vacation this summer, but you're not planning one of those old-fashioned summer road trips? Instead, you'll have to fly the friendly skies with Fido for the first time...hmmm.  Hey, maybe you'll be attending the BlogPaws Conference in May and don't feel like driving from California to Tyson's Corner, Virginia? 

Don't despair! We found these five tips for preparing both you and your dog to fly, courtesy of Animal Planet, that we think are pretty nifty. Although Parental Unit hasn't flown with any canines recently (her beloved first dog, Benjie, was flown back to her from Montana in a cargo hold, and although he miraculously arrived safe and sound, he was jittery for months), you never know when we might take off, so to speak. 

These tips seem to do a pretty good job of covering the basics-from when to get that pre-trip veterinary check to outlining the TSA and Department of Agriculture regulations-but there are no tips like those from someone who's "been there, done that", and we haven't. So... we'd love to hear from you about your flying experiences with your pooch or kitty, and what works and what to avoid. Let us know!

                          Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Unknown said...

I'm curious too to hear from some experienced folks with plane travel. I've got car's down!! :)

Bocci said...

So do I, Max, but have never flown...

meowmeowmans said...

We've never flown with our pets. It seems like cars are enough of a challenge! :)

Peggy Frezon said...

Hi Bocci. I've never flown either, and I'm a people!

The Daily Pip said...

Oh gosh, flying sounds stressful for dogs and cats. Pip has never flown. I have heard too many horror stories about animals getting hurt, lost, etc

Bocci said...

We've heard scary stories too, Pip, which fuels Parental Unit's paranoia:-)

Peggy, fly to the BlogPaws conference!

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