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Sunday, December 02, 2012

Sunday's "Living With Your Pet Tips"

          Fabulous photo of me by John Clark of Clark Creative

We thought we'd bring you two different pieces of pet information today. First, for all you folks owned by cats out there, check out these cool holiday (or any day) gifts for your feline friend from Found Animals.org. From a scratching post shaped like a dog (heh, heh, heh) , to a plethora of toys and beds, this is a gift list worthy of all good kitties. (Are there any good kitties? Just askin'!)

And wanna know if your city makes the "top ten" of pet friendly cities in the U.S.? Check out this top ten list courtesy of Dog Time Media, and find out what cities (hint: from Austin to Seattle) make the cut and why. Hey, why not get together with your dog-loving friends and discuss what you all can do to elevate your community to a top ten town for dog owners?!

P.S. We wanted to take a minute today and thank all of you who have taken the time to participate in our giveaways. We have one going on right now (a gift basket from Iams!), and have lots more in the works before the end of the year. We politely request that those who choose to enter follow the simple requirements and check back on the date that particular giveaway ends to see if you've won. Most retailers want to ship out your presents ASAP, so the sooner you send us your address, the sooner you'll receive your prize-thanks!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

BaaaaWaaaah Bocci.... our blogs will be looking like a Star Trek movie... what with all of our BLACK HOLES.... BUTT it is STILL better than PAYING fur more space. RIGHT?

Wyatt said...

So glad to see that Portland is tops on the 'Dog Friendly' list! We already knew it :D

Wyatt and Stanzie

Duke said...

We wish our area was dog friendly so we could go shopping with mom every time she goes out. Oh well.

Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

Glad there was a Florida city on the list! We're not far from Orlando

Unknown said...

I just hope my neighbourhood is a dog friendly place as a start!

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