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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

And The Winner Of The Hartz Angry Bird Dog Toys Is...!

Well, it's that time again...time to utilize the mysterious Random Sequence Generator to choose a winner for our latest giveaway! So let's see who was lucky enough to win the Four Angry Bird dog toys from Hartz. There were seven  entrants so we entered the numbers one through seven in the sequence generator and...

Random Sequence Generator

Here is your sequence:
Timestamp: 2012-12-20 02:51:49 UTC

The first number in the sequence is number 5, and the person who left that comment is Shiloh and Shasta from the awesome blog, teambeaglewbratz! Let's all put our paws together in a round of applause for our lucky winner!

Thanks to all who pawticipated! 

P.S. We encourage you all to enter our ASPCA Gift Pack Giveaway that ends tomorrow evening-check it out here: www.boccibeefs.com/2012/12/aspcas-no-pet-store-puppies-campaign.html


Duke said...

Congratulations to Shiloh and Shasta!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Oh WOWZERZ! We can't wait to c thoze Angry Birdz here. Thank-u fur this great giveaway.
Shiloh'n The Diva Shasta

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