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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Easy Like Sunday..."Living With Your Pet" Tips: Working Out with Your Dog

Since today is Mother's Day here in the United States, we thought we'd substitute our usual photo for our Sunday column (of me culling pet tips), with a photo of my Mom and me. A very happy Mother's Day to all of you Moms out there-whether to humans or furkids, you deserve your special day!

  Photo of Parental Unit and me by Rachel Lauren Photography

One of our first "Living With Your Pet" tips was about running with your dog, but these safety tips from Cesar Millan's website are much more comprehensive-they include all kinds of workouts that you and your favorite four-legged friend might want to do together to keep in shape-not just this coming summer, but all year long. By the way, the link provided also includes special tips for regulating exercise with your puppy and for getting exercise with your dog indoors.

                         Photo courtesy of Cesar's Way

One tip that Parental Unit realizes is especially important is making sure that your dog is trained to stay on one side of you the entire time-whether you're running, hiking, roller blading or even just walking. We confess to a near major mishap (to put it gently) when Parental Unit was jogging and I cut in front of her to chase a squirrel-oops! I'm also not a real fan of hot weather, so Parental Unit has learned to carry a small water bottle along on our walks, just for me, when it's extra warm and humid, even when walking in our urban environment-pavement can get quite hot, you know.

We hope you find these tips helpful, and are encouraged to share some exercise time with your dog every day.

Speaking of going on walks with your human, stay tuned for a very special product review coming tomorrow-you won't want to miss it!


Duke said...

We love our walkies!
Happy Mother's day to your mom, Bocci!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Two French Bulldogs said...

We always make lazy walk
Benny & Lily

kennels long island said...

Thank you very much for sharing these tips and I'll be sure to keep them in mind.

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