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Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Dog Finally Reunited With Owner After 53 Days Running Wild

Photo courtesy of The Huffington Post and AP Wire Services
In late December, Barbara Bagley, her husband and two dogs, were involved in a car crash near Reno, Nevada, that tragically, killed her husband and one of their two dogs. The other pooch, a Shetland Sheepdog named Dooley, bolted from the scene of the crash. After nearly two months of searching, and thanks to the tireless efforts of friends and Nevada volunteers, including a Facebook plea for help tracking the dog, the skittish Dooley was finally captured and reunited with Bagley. Now the two are facing the journey of recovery and healing together.

We hope you take the time to read this beautiful story of survival and faith-and the love that binds us to our canine friends.


Duke said...

What a wonderful story! I'm so happy that Barbara and Dooley have been reunited and will heal together!

Love ya lots,

Donna said...

Oh my word! How excellent. Thank u, Ceiling Cat! :)

The Daily Pip said...

Lovely! I love a happy ending.

Your pal, Pip

Two French Bulldogs said...

that is nutty...but wonderful
Benny & Lily

Veterinary Clinic California said...

This is good news indeed. Well Good Luck and God Bless!

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