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Friday, December 30, 2011

Photographer Documents Elderly Animals To Stunning Effect.

11 year-old Irish Wolfhound, Kelly. Photo courtesy of The New York Times

A fine art photographer, Isa Leshko, was visiting a relative in New Jersey when she happened upon a blind 35-year-old horse named Petey-and spent the afternoon photographing him. And in that afternoon a project was born: at the time, Leshko was caring for her mother who suffers from Alzheimer's disease, and was searching for an artistic outlet for her feelings. She decided that photographing a variety of geriatric animals might help her better understand her own fears about aging and dementia, so she visited sanctuaries across the country to put together this project. We hope you're as smitten with this idea and the resulting thought-provoking photographs as we are-enjoy!

Her work will be exhibited at the Houston Center for Photography this spring. Check out this write-up on Leshko's project on The New York Times blog, "Well", which includes a slide show of highlights from this project. You can also check out more of Lashko's work here: www.isaleshko.com/index.cfm.


The Daily Pip said...

Wow, thanks so much for sharing this. I am definitely going to check this out!

Wyatt said...

Okay, we are all leaky now. What a beautiful project.

Wyatt's mom

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing it! What a lovely project, I'll check it out soon.

Duke said...

We can't wait to check out the links! Thank you for sharing this, Bocci.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sagira said...

We love the old dogs, they just rule. My brother Harley is going to be 14 in just a few days.

Pamela said...

It was lovely to see all kinds of animals in this project. Very few animals considered "livestock" make it to advanced age. The photos were beautiful.

Thanks for sharing.

Pup Fan said...

I absolutely love how the photos bring out the beauty in older animals. Fantastic.

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