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Sunday, October 23, 2011

New FURminator Towel Review and Giveaway!

A wet dog in your home or car can be a disaster in the making-don't we all know that from firsthand experience? That's why we're so pleased to bring you our review of this new product from FURminator Professional Pet Products, one of our favorite pet product brands. They call their new, highly absorbent, cozy and wearable towel the "Fur Dry", and describe it as the original "Wet Dog-Indoors" Solution.  And we think it's as cool as it looks!
Please note: We received one FURDRY to test (retail price $34.95), and FURminator agreed to send one of our lucky readers (the winner of our contest) a FURDRY that specifically fit their pooch. Otherwise, we were not compensated for this review and the opinions contained here are ours alone.
See the requirements for entering our FURDRY Giveaway at the end of this post.

Let's start with what the FURminator has to say about what this new product is designed to do:

__Protect furniture and carpets from the dog's need to rub.

__Reduce wet dog smell, and

__ Decrease anxiety from bathing and other activities.

According to the product information, "the FURDRY [wearable towel] is manufactured using a microfiber technology that is uniquely designed to draw water away from the dog's coat and into the absorbent fibers-drying your dog effortlessly, calming them and saving your carpets, furnishings and car from a wet pet smell."

Here's how we tested it:
First, we tried it on straight out of the bag to make sure it fit properly. There are five different sizes ranging from "Puppy" to "Giant", with measurements (neck to base of tail) and breed examples to help you choose the right fit.. Check out the FURDRY page with the description, directions and measurements. Even though my neck to base of tail measurement was a good two-three inches longer that the maximum 16" specified for the size "Medium", the FURminator representative assured us that the Medium was the appropriate size, and she was correct-looks great, doesn't it?

Then Parental Unit washed it (without reading the washing instructions on the package-whoops!) which says to wash in warm water with dark colors on a gentle cycle, and to hang dry after use or washing. Well, Parental Unit used warm water, a normal setting, and put it in the dryer with the rest of my regular towels on a "high" setting-it came out looking and fitting exactly the same - although we must recommend that you follow the manufacturer's instructions! It is nice to know that if you make a mistake, however, you haven't ruined the product!

Then came the big test: Parental Unit gave me a bath (ugh!). She dried me off as she always does with two regular towels, one while I'm still in the tub and somewhat manageable, and one after she's removed me from the tub and all wiggly and anxious to do that rubbing on the carpets thing. Well, I got away from her after the second towelling but before she could put the FURDRY on, and did my running and rubbing thing first.

Then she put my new FURDRY wearable towel on and I wore it around the house for about an hour...both sitting

And lounging

My coat was still fairly wet when she put the FURDRY on, and when she took it off, it was obvious that it had absorbed quite a bit of moisture, although I was still damp. Parental Unit took photos of the wet FURDRY, but the fact that it had absorbed the moisture didn't show in the photos.

We have to admit that we were a bit skeptical of this product-after all, couldn't you humans just use a regular old towel to dry off your dogs, or even a microfiber towel especially made for canines? The answer is "yes" of course you could, and still can when appropriate, but you can't wear a regular towel. And Parental Unit loves the way this fits and looks, especially the large collar that helps you feel secure, like someone is giving you a bit ole' hug. And the material is super-soft and cuddly and appears to be highly absorbent.

We think it would be especially important to keep a clean FURDRY in your car in case of rain or after a dip in the lake or pool. And we bet it would also feel heavenly (especially if it were warmed up a bit on the heater) for a smooth or thin-coated pooch in the winter, just to wear indoors after a brisk walk. I can imagine lounging by the fire in a FURDRY, myself...kinda like a proper gentleman in a smoking jacket, no?

But we do have two reservations:
__ You have to get used to putting it on-it took Parental Unit a few tries to put it on correctly (although the Velcro makes it easy to secure the wrap-a-round), and even after it becomes second nature, it will still take a few extra minutes, and

__ For those of you who don't like your tail touched or manipulated (I don't, but put up with it for Parental Unit's sake), putting on this towel could be a problem-there's no getting around the fact that a dog's tail should be put through the back hole for a proper, no-slip fit.

Other than the above two comments, we think the FURDRY is a great product and can be used in a number of different ways, and probably including ways we haven't even thought of yet.

Now here's the moment you've all been waiting for-the GIVEAWAY! One lucky winner will receive one FURDRY to exactly fit their beloved pooch!

And as usual, we here at Bocci's Beefs make it easy to enter-we don't want you to spend all day filling out forms galore just to enter our giveaway. We do have a few simple requirements to enter, however, that should take you no more than two minutes. This giveaway will run from tonight, Sunday October 23, through Tuesday evening November 1 at 6:00 pm EST, so you and all of your friends will have plenty of time to enter. The winner will be chosen by computerized random drawing and announced within 24 hours of the evening of November 1. How's that?!

Here are the few simple requirements to enter: Please note: Just complete all of the sign-ups listed below and then leave ONE COMMENT per person.
1. Sign up for our new e-mail/newsletters-see top of left sidebar for form.
2.  "Follow" Bocci's Beefs on both GFC and Networked Blogs.
3. "Like" Bocci's Beefs Facebook Page-see top of right sidebar.
4. "Follow" us on Twitter-see top of right sidebar directly under Facebook sign-up.
5. Comment on this post, indicating you'd like to enter.

That's it! Good luck to all of you!


Two French Bulldogs said...

wow, this is a cool item..we never sawthis before
Benny & Lily

Duke said...

Modeling with the toys is a whole lot easier on you, isn't it, Bocci! Baths are no fun!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

Newsletter - done
GFC - done
Networked blogs - done
Facebook - done
twitter - done

Im dying to try this for Haylie who hates to be toweled off, im hoping this will better for her cause it will soak up most of the water so that means less toweling for me :)

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

this was a fantastic review! Much better than ours was because my mom requested the wrong size for Dakota and it didn't fit. For dogs with A LOT of fur and THICK fur I would suggest going a size up.

Also, Dakota is one of those dogs that WILL NOT tolerate having his tail touched (could be a Sheltie thing)...there was NO WAY to get it through his tail.

I also DO think the product is fantastic, we are using ours more like a "towel" since Dakota can't wear it. I was also thinking of giving mine to a family member who has a smaller dog.

Please do not enter us since obviously we have this but we DO want to say that we agree with you about it being a WONDERFUL product!

Again, FANTASTIC review!

Anonymous said...

This would be great for all three of our dogs, but especially our little Chihuahua, who hates to be wet.
I did all the requirements to enter. Below are my usernames, etc.
email - talonsmom731 at gmail.com
GFC - Danetta
Networked Blogs - Danetta Young
Facebook - Danetta Young
Twitter - talonsmom731

Anonymous said...

i wanna enter!

Anonymous said...

I subscribe to your email under kellywcuATyahooDOTcom

PS your dog is so cute!!

Anonymous said...

I follow you on GFC(kellyr78)

Anonymous said...

Oops, I also follow you on Networked Blogs(kelly D)- should have went with previous entry.

I follow you on twitter(kellysaver)


Stacy said...

This would be great for all three of our dogs!

I did all the requirements to enter. Below are my usernames, etc.
email - slholland@gmail.com
GFC - Hugz32
Networked Blogs - Stacy Holland-Buboltz
Facebook - Stacy Holland-Buboltz
Twitter - slholland32

Thank you!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Interesting produkht

Woo look furry handsome in it!

I do hope woo were khompensated with sufficient treats fur that modeling gig!

Princess Rainkhloud
Siberian Sponge At Large

Peggy Frezon said...

This looks like a good idea. Kelly gets a bit crazy after her bath and first needs to go outside even though she's wet, and then needs to run around like crazy! We are already fans, like, follow, subscribe!

Anonymous said...

Great idea!
All signed up!
FB name: Contest KAO.
Twitter, GFC, & NW Blog: irishluck1114.
Kim O.

Anonymous said...

Trouble would so very much love to win this!!! Followed all of the instructions to a t. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win and to introduce this great product. We've got to have one! hydepennym@gmail.com

Amanda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amanda said...

I would love to enter! :) I could really use this for my dog.

Subscribed to your newsletter-sweetlikecandy1688@gmail.com

Following on GFC under the name Amanda

Following on Networked Blogs- Amanda Sanchez or

Liked Bocci's Beefs Facebook Page- Amanda Sanchez

Following on twitter @ sweetgirly1688


Thomas Ng said...

id like to enter

1. Sign up for our new e-mail (fwdsd45 @gmail.com)
2. "Follow" Bocci's Beefs on both GFC (xmd5) and Networked Blogs (Ted Kooper)
3. "Like" Bocci's Beefs Facebook Page-see top of right sidebar. (Ted Kooper)
4. "Follow" us on Twitter (xmd5)

Cynthia Downer said...

I'd like to enter the giveaway. I completed all of the above requirements. My twitter handle is @cynth201 :) Thanks!

Unknown said...

GFC Kendra22
twitter kendra22007
newsletter done
kendraco22 at yahoo dot com

Sagira said...

We would like to enter to win this as well. You're so lucky to get all these cool products to try out. :)

madpay said...

a Great Pyranhees probably wears an extra large

Billy said...

Your dog looks cute. I would love to try this fumninator towel for my dog as well. Anyway, I think it's time for me to join this give away now.

Pet Supplies Chicago

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