We're proud to bring you this review and giveaway of three of Martha Stewart's pet toys from her new line of pet products just introduced this year, and sold exclusively at PetSmart. You know, Parental Unit is a longtime fan of Ms. Stewart, but I hadn't heard of her before receiving and playing with these three new toys. Now I'm on board as a fan! Hey, I wonder if she does anything else besides make pet toys? I do know that two of her dogs, Fransesca and Sharkey, have their own blog, which I've found to be a fun and informative read.
Anyway, Parental Unit was pleased to receive on my behalf, a trio of pet toys for review. Each of the toys below is made of 100% polyester and are made extra strong for aggressive chewers-nice touch, Martha! Just to be clear, neither Parental Unit nor I received any compensation for writing this review, other than these three toys.
First up is the "Flying Woodland Squirrel" Yes, squirrel- my favorite thing to chase (real or stuffed)! This squirrel is ideal for playing fetch because it makes a crazy, squirrel-ly sound when it's thrown that makes you want to nab it quick. And the long, stretchy neck allows for some tug-o-war before tossing. Mine is named "Dash", and I'm more than happy to dash after it when tossed!
These are the "Flat Fur Creatures" that make a nice, satisfying crunchy sound when chewed, but are stuffing free for no mess playing. Their flat shape also makes them easy to grab and carry at a moments notice, like when you're trying to entice your Parental Unit to play with you when she's working. I received "Skully the Skunk"

More adventures with Skully

Dash, is that you?
No acorns in your stomach, are there?
Anyway, Parental Unit was pleased to receive on my behalf, a trio of pet toys for review. Each of the toys below is made of 100% polyester and are made extra strong for aggressive chewers-nice touch, Martha! Just to be clear, neither Parental Unit nor I received any compensation for writing this review, other than these three toys.
First up is the "Flying Woodland Squirrel" Yes, squirrel- my favorite thing to chase (real or stuffed)! This squirrel is ideal for playing fetch because it makes a crazy, squirrel-ly sound when it's thrown that makes you want to nab it quick. And the long, stretchy neck allows for some tug-o-war before tossing. Mine is named "Dash", and I'm more than happy to dash after it when tossed!

And here's another squirrel with two acorns tucked in its tummy-this one's called the "Intelligent Dog Toy" because it takes some smarts to pull those acorns out and realize that they are separate toys with their own squeaker. The squirrel also makes that fun crunching sound. For some reason, this poor squirrel has no name-how about we call him "Sparky the Squirrel"? Note from the photo below that there's another, similar concept, intelligence-building toy shown on the right that is not part of this giveaway.
Here are a few (hundred) photos of me enjoying these toys, purposefully in no particular order-more fun that way!
Skully and I getting to know one another
How much of Sparky can I get in my mouth at once?
Here I am studying Sparky's squeaking acorn: We advise supervision while playing with this toy (and all toys for that matter) because of the size of the two acorns. According to information provided by PetSmart, all of these toys were rigorously tested for any potential problems, including choking hazards, and all three toys passed with flying colors. As always, we believe that the most important preventative measure a pet owner can take is to know their dog. For example, Parental Unit knows that I grab and play, but don't rip or swallow!Intimately getting to know Dash
More adventures with Skully
Dash, is that you?
No acorns in your stomach, are there?
We hope you enjoyed this "slideshow" of me playing with my new toys... Without reservation, we give all three of them an enthusiastic, "Two Thumbs" and "Four Paws Up"!
And now we're ready for the big giveaway. One lucky winner will win all three of these fun toys, courtesy of PetSmart!
And as usual, we here at Bocci's Beefs make it easy to enter-we don't want you to spend all day filling out forms galore just to enter our giveaway. We do have a few simple requirements to enter, however, that should take you no more than two minutes. The giveaway will run for a full week, so you and all of your friends will have plenty of time to enter. The deadline for entering this giveaway is next Wednesday, October 12 at 7:00 pm EST. The winner will be chosen by computerized random drawing and announced within 24 hours. How's that?!
Here are the few simple requirements to enter:
1. Sign up for our new e-mail/newsletters-see top of left sidebar for form.
2. "Follow" Bocci's Beefs on both GFC and Networked Blogs.
3. "Like" Bocci's Beefs Facebook Page-see top of right sidebar.
4. "Follow" us on Twitter-see top of right sidebar directly under Facebook sign-up.
5. Comment on this post, indicating you'd like to enter.
That's it! Good luck to all of you!
Hi! Those toys look awesome. :)
Waaaaaah Sob Whine Whimper... I'm not allowed to do the FaceBook and Twittering thingys. Well, I'll just have to beg MOM fur an advance on my aLOUDance.
NICE REVIEW... they ALL look SUPER Fun.
we followed your rules and would love abug eyed stuffie, BOL
Benny & Lily
We did all the requirements and would love to win those awesome stuffies :)
Kelly loves stuffies, although she immediately destuffs and desqueaks! We followed, liked, tweeted, hooted and hollered!
I have done all the requirements. I am Danetta Young on Facebook and Networked Blogs, Danetta on GFC and talonsmom731 on Twitter.
My 3 furry family members would love to each get one of those toys! If I win, they will have to figure out who gets which one or who knows....they might share (yeah....right!)
Thanks for the chance!
talonsmom731 at gmail.com
I follow Bocci's Beef on Facebook.
I follow Bocci's Beef on Network Blog.
like Bocci Beef's Facebook page.
Hi Bocci!
We did everything that you've told and would like to participate in this give away :)
The toys looks awesome and I hope Autumn and the sisters will like it if we won any.
Autumn, Jasmine and Mom too!
Signed up for email! CUTE toys!
Michelle Spayde
Follow publicly on Google Friend Connect
Michelle Spayde
Follow via Networked Blogs
Michelle Spayde
I like you on Facebook!
Michelle Spayde
OH, and I'd like to enter, of course!!!! :-)
Michelle Spayde
I follow you on Twitter under Arniebelle
Michelle Spayde
The dogs would love these toys.
Hello, I hope you are safe and healthy during these challenging times. I have been in the pet toy business for over 20 years. Last week we launched what we truly believe is the best fetch and retrieve throw toy ever invented. Please take a look-
I would like to send you a dozen of these to give out to your 4 legged friends. I will guarantee you the FLINGERZ will bring endless "Tail Waggin fun" to your pets! Where could I send these?
Thanks for your time
Tom McCann
Owner/Founder Flingerz LLC
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