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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Monday Musings Round-up

Photo of me by Rachel Lauren Photography

So here's why Parental Unit went to the BlogPaws Conference without me: It looks like all five commenters chose the correct answer-#2. There was no way she would let me fly in a dang cargo hold!

But their really was an another reason that I didn't get to go...she still doesn't trust me to be around other dogs indoors-and let me tell ya, there were a ton of dogs and other pets at the conference, and they were indoors with their Parental Units most of the time. I have to confess, it's more than likely that I would still "mark my territory" indoors when there are other dogs around. While I am perfectly house trained when at home, there aren't any other dogs here, just what's her name, the cat-so no need to establish my dominance-she already knows who rules this roost.

Thanks to all who participated in this week's Musings-we love reading your comments!

We're already looking forward to next Monday to see what new dilemma arises or what problems I might cause-hoo-boy.

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