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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

                        O.K. Now where's my leash?
      Me wearing one of Kyjen's beautifully made backpacks.

Why don't ya join the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Hop?


Anonymous said...

Very chic backpack! And very cute dog! Happy Hopping! :)

Sam said...

Hi, Sam here from the blog hop.
Those are cool backpacks are'nt they!

Tammy said...

You look ready to go out on a hike! :)

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Looks like you are ready to put your Walkin String to good use.

Here is the blog addy fur my Furends.. Sagira, Starr, and Bokeh.. they live in Grove City.

Tell em I sent you. You will love them. I am gonna give YOUR blog addy to them Next.

Wicked Chef # 1 - Linds said...

Lovely puppies! I am a new follower and would love for you to follow back http://memoirs-of-2-wicked-chefs.blogspot.com/

Pauline @ Oscah Baby said...

You must be a very energetic pup if you wear a backpack on walks, Bocci. :)

Sagira said...

Just wanted to swing by and say hi. Frankie sent me. He tells me that you are from Columbus as well. I am actually from Grove City, but close enough. :)

yuki and rocket said...

hey there,

cool backpack! i never ask where my leash is. in fact, when i see a leash coming near me i know what's about to happen, and i run and hide...i'm such a lazy dog

The Daily Pip said...

You look super cool in your backpack, Bocci. Have a nice walk!

Your pal, PIp

Lorenza said...

Aaaaand you look grrrreat!
Happy Wednesday!
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said...

You look great and handsome in your backpack!!! It's cool!

Oskar said...

Wow, that looks pawsome!

Nubbin wiggles,

Duke said...

What a beautiful backpack, Bocci! You remembered to pack your treats, right?

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

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