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Sunday, February 13, 2011

What Will You Get Your Furry Valentine?

There's no doubt that most of us love our pets like (or almost like) we love the people in our lives. So the next logical thought is: will you give your furfriend some token of "love" on Valentine's Day, the day so many of our societies around the globe have chosen to celebrate love? And if so, what will you give them?

Well, the folks at Iams, the makers of pet food and other pet products, decided to be proactive and take a survey, and here's what they found:

__ Almost one-third (29%) of those surveyed planned to buy their pets edible or chewable treats of some sort, like rawhides, chews, or canned food.

__12% will purchase "fun toys".

__4% will buy their furry beloved a new outfit.

__ 3% will shun the commerical route and shower their pets with "Lots of Love".

__ And 11% remain undecided. (Parental Unit says she's still undecided, but claims I will receive something special, in addition to the "lots of love", which I must admit, I get regularly.)

So please tell us: Are you going to present your pets with something special for the big
"Love Day" tomorrow,  and if so, what will you give? We can hardly wait to tally the results!

In the meantime, here we are eagerly awaiting our special gifts.


Anonymous said...

C&L got a bunny toy early, Lola also got to de- stuff the "be mine" pillow I used in their photo shoot.

Pup Fan said...

Love that photo!

Bella will definitely getting lots of love, as usual. Probably also a treat. :)

Bocci said...

Yes, we love that photo, too. As you can probably tell, it gets lots of use!

Asta said...

I get to play mowe than oosual and gets even mopwe snuggle kisses..no pwessies
love is the best [wessie of all
smoochie kisses

Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

Our Mama said she didn't buy us anything because she's broke, but she DID make us some special homemade treats! She already gave us each a taste!

Duke said...

What a great photo, Bocci! We will get extra hugs and kisses!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

My mom is baking cookies for me!
Aaaand I will get lots of love too!
Happy Valentine's day!
Kisses and hugs

KB said...

We love special outings here... especially because one of our dogs isn't allowed any treats.

Wyatt said...

We have been getting stuff all month..Yay!
Cookies, new collars, valentines in the mail.
This Valentine thing rocks!!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Unknown said...

Mika and Eva will get lots of kisses and treats!!!

Peggy Frezon said...

Luv the picture! Kelly gets lots of luv and extra attention. Happy Valentine's Day!

Unknown said...

Sasha is getting nothing but the best, all-natural treats only at http://www.naturalk9supplies.com/

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