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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hickory Snubs Sardi's Steak

We just had to bring you this video of that gorgeous doggie, Hickory, the Scottish Deerhound who took Best in Show at last week's Westminster Dog Show. As part of her victory lap tour, Hickory stopped by the famous Sardi's Restaurant the day after her big win to celebrate with a filet mignon, served up by Sardi's owner on a silver platter. But Hickory wasn't havin' any of it...and we mean the steak! What dog is his or her right mind would pass up a steak? Her handler blamed her lack of appetite on just being a bit tired. But we think the steak looked a tad over-cooked, and probably wasn't grass-fed... The nerve!


Anonymous said...

Wow thats amazing.. No meat? Sorry we haven't been around the past few weeks, hope all is going well.

Rachel said...

That's how she keeps her girlish figure!

Asta said...

You handsome knight
You wewe mawvelous jousting ,,I had no idea you wode so well
The Ladys awe all slobbewing ovew you, hehehe
thank you fow joining us
smoochie kisses

fromsophiesview said...

Hickory is plum tuckered out...imagine going through all that and more to win the coveted title. Sleep sweet sleep that's all!

TwoSpecialWires said...

Bocci! Can you believe it? We FINALLY got a chance to have a bit of fun! That party at Camelot has been so much fun ... and you looked so handsome. It was amazing seeing you there. But now, like Hickory, we are tired, but smiling and happy. (We are sooo glad she won!)

So, after a few more visits, we are going to rest and hope Moma can keep some momentum going. We've missed our friends and appreciate those who stuck with us during the long Hi Ate Us!

Much love
Jake and Fergi

Lorenza said...

Hi, Bocci!
Happy Saturday!
Sure Hickory is tired by now!
All that activity!
A special treat for a special lady... who did not want to eat it! Oh-oh!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Wyatt said...

Hickory...hope you got a doggie bag!!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

When Mom went to work on Saturday, she passed Hickory's Unkhle's House!

Hickory's 'Mom' is from HERE!

PeeEssWoo: And Hickory's OTHER Unkhle made Auntie Di and Unkhle Paul's teeth nice and straight!

Duke said...

We would have helped Hickory eat that steak - no problem!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Asta said...

I can't believe I would evew be too tiwed to eat a steak. hickowy is gowgeous and we wewe vewy happy fow that win!!!
I hope she is wested up now and enjoying tweats.

Thank you fow coming to the pawty. you wewe gweat!
smoochie kisses

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