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Friday, February 18, 2011

February Is...

Not only Pet Dental Health Month, but were you aware that it's also Pet Spay and Neuter Month? (It's national Pot Roast Month, too, and Parental Unit just made a teriffic pot roast..., but I digress).

Anyway, back to the serious issue of spaying and neutering our pets. As we know, spaying and neutering our beloved fur friends is one of the key components in fighting pet over-population, and in turn, preventing the likely death of millions more dogs and cats in over-crowded shelters.

We wanted to pass on this wonderful article by shelter veterinarian. Dr. Kwane Stewart, DVM, and the "go-to" vet for that wonderful organization, Found Animals.org. This article, titled "Spaying or Neutering is Healthy For Your Pet", is included in today's Found Animal's Newsletter, and centers on debunking the myths that still linger about spaying and neutering.

 Read and enjoy it here: http://www.foundanimals.org/pet-care/ask-experts/spaying-or-neutering-healtyour-pet?cm_ven=ExactTarget&cm_cat=February+2011+Pet+Club+Dog&cm_pla=Found+Animals+Pet+Club+-+Dog&cm_ite=http%3a%2f%2fwww.foundanimals.org%2fpet-care%2fask-experts%2fspaying-or-neutering-healthy-your-pet&cm_lm=jdemarti@columbus.rr.com&cm_ainfo=2011-02-Pet-Club-Dog&att1=&att2=%%__AdditionalEmailAttribute2%%&att3=%%__AdditionalEmailAttribute3%%&att4=%%__AdditionalEmailAttribute4%%&att5=%%__AdditionalEmailAttribute5%%.

Meanwhile, it was 63 degrees here in Ohio, and Parental Unit and I went on a nice long afternoon hike. And I'm excited to say that this was my first chance to use my new Kyjen backpack-don't I look spiffy?


Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

How do you like your backpack? Mom's threatening to get us one for our hikes in the summer, but is a little worried about us getting hot in it. But that's not what I was going to comment about. National Pot Roast month?!? The month is almost over, and my Mom has been SLACKING!!!!! *sheesh* *ahem* :-) (And yes, Mom does attempt to brush our teeth once a week - she doesn't get all of the teeth in one try, but she figures that over time, it's better than nothing - and the vet thinks our teeth look good for now...)

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Peggy Frezon said...

Hey, it's also Responsible Pet Owner Month! And spaying or neutering your pet goes hand in hand with that too!

Bocci said...

Yes, it is Responsible Pet Owner Month-February sure is busy!

Duke said...

We love your backpack, Bocci. You can carry your own water bottle!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Renee Hand said...

I am following you through the blog hop. Please follow back at http://thecryptocapersseries.blogspot.com

Kirby, CGC said...

Hi Bocci!
Mom and I are huge supporters of spaying and neutering! Mom is still amazed at all the dogs and cats that come into the shelter not fixed, but like she says then our job isn't done...we still need to get the word out...nice post dude!


Unknown said...

This is what Eva is going to have next weekend! The girlie surgery!!! Ouch!!!

TwoSpecialWires said...

So much to say. So many places to go! First of all ... little Bella (Gramma's new pup from the shelter) is gonna have to wait until March to be spayed. She is finally over her nasty infection, but then she came into heat! So ... March it will be. Second. We're wondering if we'll get a backpack from Kyjen? We honestly can't remember! Moma's been in touch with them ... soon .... yay!

Jake and Fergi

Unknown said...

Oral hygiene is very important for our furry friends. I'd like to share one of my favorite websites where they have all-natural products for your babies. Please drop by and start the caring today! =)

woof and licks,

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