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Monday, December 13, 2010

An Early Celebration: Victories For Animals!

Just in case you all don't receive e-mail updates from the ASPCA, we wanted to pass this along. The ASPCA has rounded up some of the significant legislative victories for animals this year. So check them out here...and give a little cheer!  www.aspca.org/News/National/National-News-Detail.aspx?NDate=20101210&NType=National

And speaking of round-ups and legislation to protect animals, we also wanted to pass along this article from today's New York Times: "100 Days to a Tamed Mustang: Makeovers Prepare Wild Horses for Adoption",  that we found particularly interesting. It discusses a program that since 2007, has teamed the Bureau of Land Management and the non-profit organization, Mustang Heritage Foundation, to prepare wild mustangs for adoption. It's called "Extreme Mustang Makeover", a title that the executive director of the Foundation conceived "after watching reality shows on TV."

As much as many of us would love to know that each and every wild mustang left in our western states are roaming free, the reality is that their populations must be reduced in some fashion. Fortunately, the "Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act of 1971, prohibits these wild animals from being killed; instead, they are rounded up, and "the Bureau [of Land Management] tries to find them a good home."
Read this very interesting article here: www.nytimes.com/2010/12/13/sports/13mustang.html?_r=1&ref=sports and tell us what you think!

Meanwhile...we're already longing for the days when our backyard looked like this...

Because now it looks more like this...


Unknown said...

Have fun in your snow, we are very jealous!!!

Carol E Wyer said...

Looks like it did here for days. Have fun in it Bocci. I've posted a link to you on my home page. It is a very nice photo of you so hopefully people will come and meet you.
Carol from www.facing50withhumour.blogspot.com - the blog that gives you laughter lines (No that really is a bad advert for it!)

Barbara said...

Snow! Oh boy! Wait, it's cold!

Rachel said...

Oh Bocci... that is such interesting info on wild horses and burros... I have a deep passion for wild equine... almost as passionate a love as I have for dogs! I've always wanted to see the swimming of the wild Chincoteague ponies. I'm gonna go read the articles now.

Duke said...

You got snow!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are so lucky, Bocci!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I hope woo did some zoooooomies fur me!


KB said...

Thanks for the news about better protection for animals.

I hope that you enjoyed playing in your snow and still are enjoying it!!!

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