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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Preparing For Grad School

Just wanted to let you all know that I'll be helping to teach a graduate school class tomorrow. Yep, you read that right. I was specifically invited by the professor to join Parental Unit as a guest...well, speaker, of sorts.
The class is called Digital Culture, so of course, I've been asked to discuss my blog. Parental Unit will be boring the class with this less than fascinating topic: "How to write grants". (Yikes! I can hear the students snoring now). Anyway, look for a fun post tomorow with classroom pictures aplenty.

In the meantime, I thought I'd better study up.


Noah said...

Good luck tomorrow Bocci

booahboo said...

you look most studious.. hehhehehee.. study up now Bocci :) Have fun in class!

Amy / Layla the Malamute said...

Good luck!! You'll be the star of the class.

Blue Elvis, The Blogging Cocker said...

Dear Bocci and Joan, Mama and I stumbled upon your blog... and got hooked... so much good stuff! School is good... grad school? Man, you are way ahead of me... Good luck! I'm sure you'll brighten up the discussion. Edutainment is the key... and take lots of pictures!

Duke said...

Have fun at class tomorrow, Bocci! Do you get to ride the school bus with the kids?

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Pup Fan said...

What book are you perusing? Enjoy class!

Bocci said...

Note to Blue Elvis: thanks for the new word that I will add to my vocabulary: "Edutainment". PU says that's what her students want anyway:-)

Note to Pup Fan: The book is Giada DeLaurentis' first cookbook :-)

And thanks everyone for the well wishes for class today! PU is worried that I'll somehow smell a dog in the classtroom and "mark my territory"
She's way too paranoid.

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