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Friday, October 22, 2010

My "Cousin" From Afar

The other day Parental Unit and I received a wonderful note and photograph from one of our readers who has now become a follower of our blog. She said that "she couldn't help but write" because she too has an adopted dog (actually, she has two adopted dogs), and thought the resemblance between her dog, Biscuit, and me were striking. In fact, she thought we could be cousins....Well, as soon as we saw the picture we realized she was right-but we're thinking siblings, rather than cousins!

What do you all think?

Biscuit (the larger) and Sunny (the pup) at Christmas time.

And here I am in a somewhat similar pose.


Eva the Sheltie said...

Oh how adorable! They really do look like you :)

golden said...

Very adorable!!! And i love Christmas!!!!!
Sweet kisses

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Your twinnerers!


Lara said...

Hi! I'm your newest follower from Mommy Madness! I hope you will stop by and say hello!

♥ Sallie said...

Wow! How cool is that?


MamaNYC [Nicole H.] said...

Hi! I'm your newest follower from "Fun Follow Friday"!

Have a great weekend!!!

~ Nicole @ MamaNYC

Duke said...

You do look very much alike, Bocci!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

The Daily Pip said...

I definitely see the resemblance. They say everyone has a twin out there.

Your pal, Pip

Donna said...

O hai, Biscuit and Sunny! :)

TwoSpecialWires said...

Yep. You look like cookie cutter dogs to us! Sweet, too!

Jake and Fergi

Renee DeMartin said...

I think the puppy might grow up to be the match!

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