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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Has Grad School Gone To The Dogs?

Well, maybe just for one class...To give you a little background on our visit today, this fall is Parental Unit's fifth year as an adjunct writing instructor at the Columbus College of Art and Design. This internationally renowned four year college offers undergraduate degrees in every area of the fine arts and design, from fashion to animation, to interior and industrial design.  And this fall, for the first time in its 131 year history, it's offering an MFA program. As I mentioned in yesterday's post, we were both invited to speak at one of the graduate classes called Digital Culture, whose professor, Ms. Charlotte Belland, is an award-winning photographer and digital media expert.

Let me tell ya, I never dreamed we'd get such a warm reception (to be honest, that warmth was directed mostly to me, as you'll see from the pictures).

Here I am getting started on my lecture titled "The Art of Blogging". Professor Belland is giving me a little help with my power-point presentation.

Here I'm fielding a tough question from the Professor.

And here I'm just finishing up my lecture to a round of applause from the students. Professor Belland is obviously pleased with my insightful commentary.

I even received treats (which most guest lecturers do not).

A chin massage to clear my speaking voice.

And pats on the back for a job well done!

Oh yeah, Parental Unit did field a few questions on grant writing and even chimed in with a few blogging tips, but she certainly didn't mesmerize the class like I did! Here we both are with Professor Belland after the class.

A big thanks to Professor Belland and her students for their gracious hospitality!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Great job Bocci!!!

Thanks fur sharing your special day!


Unknown said...

I wish you came to my classes Bocci!

Sometimes Rugby gets to come, but not because he was invited... just because he can hide quietly in his bag. Shhhh don't tell! :p

Amy / Layla the Malamute said...

Great job Bocci!!!

Can you come with me to my college? I can guarantee I'll concentrate more if we had speakers like you. Not necessarily concentrate on the speaker, but any concentration is better than none at all, right?

Duke said...

Excellent job, Bocci, and we're so glad to hear that you got treats!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

Great job, Bocci! I wish you could come to my class too.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing time with my class! We greatly appreciate your expertise on blogging (and your "teaching assistant" was very helpful too!)

Noah said...

Awesome Bocci! I can see you on the lecture circuit now, maybe even Ophra!

Kirby, CGC said...

Awesome job Bocci! You worked the crowd very well, treats, back rubs...way to go!


Blue Elvis said...

Hey Bocci! Awesome job grabbing their attention and delegating the power point! Wouldn't be surprised if they asked you back or even offered you a full-time position. Way to go, buddy!

Donna said...

Dat is very win and awesome!! :) Congrajumashuns to u and ur Mom, and all the nice perfessers! :)

Agatha and Archie said...

WHOA!!! You are getting really really big.. Listen I bet parental unit didn't get treats and tummy scratches and stuff.. This is big.. Maybe they will make you Dean or something.. Maybe you should start your own college?( I would be happy to teach digging 101 and maybe some advanced classes. Archie would love to teach cooking and also how to play the accordion) We are proud of you !! love and kisses A+A

Rachel said...

You're the cutest grad student I've ever seen!

Nanette Hayakawa said...

Bocci really is a small man (human being) dressed up in a dog suit soon to become CCAD's newly appointed chairman of the board.
Love that Bocci.
Aunt Nanette

golden said...

I miss you dear Bocci :-)

Your Italian Friend, Golden Retriever Clotilde and her Mama!

Renee DeMartin said...

Bocci, maybe you'll get hired there full time.....talk about irony!
your pal Mugs

Rachel Lauren Photography said...

Love it!! :)

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