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Monday, October 11, 2010

Guess Whose Birthday It Was On Saturday?

Well, if it wasn't mine, why am I wearing this stupid hat and posing in front of Bella's birthday present?

It was really our cat, Bella's, 6th birthday (October 9th is the day Parental Unit found her in a Walgreens parking lot when she was just a wee kid of two months. The legend has it that she was hiding under the gigantic wheel of a truck, the man had just gotten back in and started the engine when Parental Unit screamed and bent down...little Ms. Prissy ran to her and jumped in her arms and the rest is my tortured history).

So here's what happened the other day: Parental Unit borrows a little party hat from our neighbor and tries to put it on Bella, at the same time posing her on top of the prize that she won at the recent BlogPaws conference: a really cool "Litter Robot" - an automatically cleaning litter box-see picture(s) above and below.

Now...you can imagine trying to convince little Ms. Prissy to: (a) wear a party hat, (b) stay on top of this box, and (c) celebrate her birthday (we did get treats for our efforts).

So here's the result: Bella with hat askew, trying to flee!

So what did Parental Unit do while she had the camera out? Yep, you guessed it-she put that dang hat on me and snapped away. Here I am after I've given up...

Now, we did want to tell you a bit about the "Litter Robot" in case you haven't heard about it. As you can see from the picture, the kitty enters her litter box from the dome -shaped structure, does her business, and then exactly 7 minutes after she departs, the "Robot" cleans the litter by sweeping the clumps to the waiting litter bag below: no fuss no muss, and no more cleaning out litter boxes! Just remove the biodegradable bag and toss. If you want to learn more about the Litter Robot, check out their website here: www.litter-robot.com

And let's end this birthday post with a picture of Ms. Prissy (I mean Bella) shortly after Parental Unit first brought her home.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy GotchaPurrday to Ms Prissy!

She's khwite a lukhky one!


TwoSpecialWires said...

Congratulations all around! For everything! There's LOTS of reason for celebration ... Bella's "homecoming" being right at the top of the list!

Jake and Fergi

Marianne Pysh said...

That looked like one heck of a party! Happy Belated birthday, Bella!

Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday, Bella!
Sure she was not very happy wearing the hat!
But you did it great, Bocci!
Kisses and hugs

Carol Bryant said...

Happy Belated birthday cutie pie! Great post, Parental Unit!

Amy / Layla the Malamute said...

Happy Birthday to Bella! That Litter Robot sounds awesome. I heard they have something like that for diapers now, too, I think it's called a Diaper Genie? You shove the diapers into a plastic thing (kind of like a larger Litter Robot), twist something, and keep going until it's full. You wind up with a huge string of encased dirty diapers that you never have to touch or smell. Kind of looks like a string of pearls.

I loved hearing the story of how Bella came to be your Torturer - sorry, Bocci!

Oskar said...

Happy birthday to Bella & good job to you for being such a great sport.

My people wish they would win a fancy cat scoopy poopy box, that looks cool. Maybe it's really a space ship that will fly her away, BOL!

Nubbin wiggles,

Noah said...

Happy birthday Bella! Bocci, you are such a good sport. You may speak tough when talking about Bella but we hear love in your voice! LOL

Duke said...

Happy birthday to Bella! We're so happy that she ran into your Parental Unit's arms before that big truck inched forward!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

It was most wonderful of you to step up and do the honors for your kitty. Happy belated birthday to her. Please keep us posted on that super fancy litter arrangement. Blog Mom is interested (for the kitties, not for herself. she uses the bathroom.)

lotsa licks, Lola

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Bella.

The Little Robot sounds so cool!!! What a neat design and you're so lucky to have it.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Bella! That little robot looks cool though! Keep us posted on how that works out! You were a good brother to pose in a party hat for us :)

Antarctic Krill Oil said...

Happy Birthday Bella, I really think you will enjoy your little robot and hope for many years to come for you and your family.

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