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Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Speaking Of The Price Of Dogs...

Here's an interesting article from today's New York Times that mentions a Beagle named Snoopy who recently was purchased for $9,700. Well, he must be a valuable show dog, you're thinking... No it seems that he has a "nose" for... bedbugs! Snoopy's new owner claims that she made back his cost in just three months of bedbug inspections.
See the full article here: www.nytimes.com/2010/09/08/business/08bedbug.html?_r=1

It seems that the higher end hotels, in New York and across the country, spare no expense to eliminate the nasty bugs, including taking the room where the bug was found and its adjacent rooms out of service to have them steam cleaned and sprayed; of course, the mattresses are tossed in the process.  And here's where the dogs come in: hiring a trained, bedbug sniffing dog is part of the clean-up and maintenance job, costing between $250-$10,000, a quarterly visit, depending on square footage. Apparently for these hotels, saving their reputation is well worth the temporary lost revenue.

And we won't even get into a large movie theater chain that's in the process of de-bugging...

So, sleep tight. And don't let the bedbugs bite :-)


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Mama says this is just scary....We say how COOL!!

Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob

Unknown said...

Hmmmm sounds like something I need to train Fred my bloodhound for!! I can think of all the new shoes I can buy with him working :)

Unknown said...

Hey, it sounds like a new lucrative career!!! But I don't think I like bedbugs though!!! Yuck!!!

Noah said...

Don't think I would like that career!

MurphyDog said...

ewwww! I sure hope Snoopy doesn't sniff any of those bedbugs up his snooter!

wags, wiggles & slobbers

btw...Mom says feel free to have a 'feline friday'! She's not even sure if it was her idea or if she saw it on someone elses blog and stole it!

Duke said...

Mitch would be very good at this! He loves bugs!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

That's a lot of money. He must be good. I see the commercials on cable for the companies with beg bug sniffing dogs. I often wonder if those dogs' mothers are proud or if they're embarrassed when they hang around with other mom dogs whose offspring became bomb sniffing dogs or something like that.

lotsa licks, Lola

Lorenza said...

Hmmmm.... I guess I got the wrong career!
That one sure is lucrative!
Kisses and hugs

Bocci said...

I love these different perspectives! Yes, Lola, I would guess that those Mom dogs get together and brag like crazy about their offspring:-)

Amy / Layla the Malamute said...

Wow! That's awesome. I've seen a work truck in the area who has a Lab that sniffs out termites. I also saw something on National Geographic about Lagotto Romagnolos in Italy who sniff out truffles. So funny what people decide to teach their dogs to sniff out.

Dewey Dewster said...

Ya know Gram says that every night before she went ta bed her Mom would tell her "Don't let the bed bugs bite". Now it seems like bed bugs have become a real problem....'n one that we sure hope ta never have.....a bed bug sniffin' dog....now that is somethin'......'n everyone knows that beagles have the best noses...

Dewey Dewster here....

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Funny. Mom was just reading an article on bed bugs the other day. I hope she doesn't expect US to start sniffing out the critters. That would be like, um, work, and we don't do that work stuff very well... ;-)

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

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