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Friday, August 06, 2010

Vintage Friday

TGI Vintage Friday! Here's another picture of me taken by Rachel of Rachellaurenphotography.

Make sure to check out Bandit's blog for an adorable vintage picture of him when he was only a wee lad of nine weeks!

And...tomorrow is the day for another give-a-way, so don't forget to check in!


Pup Fan said...

I love these vintage photos! Looking good, Bocci. :)

Bandit's Pack said...

She really takes fantastic photos! Bocci, you're incredibly handsome. You could be the spokesperson for dog food or the star in a dog movie! Yay for Vintage Friday! Bandit has a brother who's participating in VF, too: www.rykerrules.blogspot.com

Bocci said...

Yep, Rachel is an amazing photographer! she even made my Parental Unit look pretty good!

I think my paw prints would look pretty good on that Hollywood Walk of Fame, don't ya think? :-)

Your buddy,

houndstooth said...

I love those vintage photos! I wish we had some like that!


Duke said...

What a great vintage picture of you, Bocci! You're so handsome!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Rachel Lauren Photography said...

I love the idea of Vintage Friday :)

Lorenza said...

I love your vintage picture, Bocci!
Kisses and hugs

Marg said...

That sure is a great picture Bocci. Love the black and white. Hope you have a super week end.

Fiona Designs said...

Love this picture - Bocci is such a cutie!
: 0 )

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