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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Today, Parental Unit and I just happened to be thinking about some of the things we're both thankful for, so we thought we'd share some of those with you...and maybe start a new tradition. You know, like True Colors Tuesday or Wordless Wednesday.
Here we go!

   Parental Unit is thankful for: 

   My handsome smilin' face, of course!

     The great food she gets to eat-yum!

 That she gets to celebrate her birthday with her dear friend since the third grade, Eileen.

 And she's even grateful for her pretty kitty, Bella. (Think Parental Unit's desk is a mess, or what?)

            Here are a few things I'm thankful for:

       My best buddy, Parental Unit!

That I have a nice bed to sleep on, even if I have to share it with "you know who".

                              Car rides!

And lots more that we don't have pictures for at the moment! Probably a good idea to post this before Thursday's over-enjoy!

P.S. My first picture, and the one with Parental Unit were taken by: wwwrachellaurenphotography.com


Maggie Mae and Max said...


This is a wunderful ideas! Thanks for doing it today. :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Kerry said...

What a great idea! I love it. It's nice that you're willing to share the bed! :)

houndstooth said...

My tail is wagging! You sure have a lot of things to be thankful for!


Unknown said...

Aww!! Great things to be thanful for!

We're thankful to have you as a friend :)

Unknown said...

That is a most loverly idea for a post!

You DO have lots of good stuffs to be thankful for.......I specially loves da pictur of you and your parental unit! You twos look just perfect together


George The Lad said...

Like your idea, and those are some lovely photos and thoughts.
See Yea George xxx

Duke said...

What a great portrait of you and Parental Unit, Bocci! The one with your kitty sib is a great one too and of course you are the cuter sib!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Those are very good reasons to be thankful for!
Kisses and hugs

AngelPups said...

You read our minds perfectly!! (Except for dear friend Eileen....ours is named Karen;-) Personally, I get far more from the pups than I can ever give them....Great Post!
Kelly & Crew

Renee DeMartin said...

God the pasta dish looks great...I'm starving. That's the first pic I've seen of Eileen in a long time!

Bocci said...

Yes, it looks (and tasted!) great! That's Dad's "meatball bowl", too!


caren gittleman said...

Love that post! Just discovered you through Yvonne Divita, glad to meet you!

The photo of Bocci and Bella on the bed is priceless!

I am following you now!

Cat Chat http://opcatchat.blogspot.com

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