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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Heading West

We have some great news to share...drumroll, please! Thanks to our very generous sponsor, Pedigree, Parental Unit will be joining the pet blogging crowd at the second BlogPaws conference in Denver on September 9-11-yipppeee! Check out the new Pedigree link on my sidebar-it goes directly to the Pet Adoption Drive section of their website. We're so thrilled that we get to represent the good works of a company that focuses so much of its time, energy, and funds to promote the adoption of dogs. We think this fits right in with our mission to promote pet adoption and rescue-duh, sounds like a no brainer match-up to us! Pedigree is one of the sponsors of the BlogPaws West conference, and is generously sponsoring a number of other pet bloggers to attend as well.

Now, many of you may recall  that I was actually able to attend their first conference because it was held right in my hometown of Columbus, Ohio. See my posts and some pictures from that event here: boccibeefs.blogspot.com/2010_04_01_archive.html.  But Parental Unit has just informed me that I will not be flying in the cargo hold to Denver-so I'll be holding down the fort here at home-hey, that's a big part of my job besides writing this blog anyway!

Just in case you want to go this fabulous conference yourself, there's still time to register-the conference fee is very reasonable and you'll learn so much about pet blogging, writing, and lots of other important stuff, and meet so many new furfriends and humans (in the flesh!), that it will be well worth it. Believe us, if you don't go, you'll be kicking yourself  all the way to Denver anyway! Check out the conference schedule and sign-up right here: www.events.blogpaws.com/blogpaws-2010-west-conference.html.

Oh, and here's a discount for ya: Parental Unit is allowed to bring one friend at 20% off the regular conference fee price-just let us know!


Agatha and Archie said...

Are you kidding? First??? We are always last!!! This us way cool!!!!! you guys are becoming celebs( don't forget us when you get to the top) love A and A Archie says you are already at the top

The Daily Pip said...

Very cool, Bocci! We would love to go, but it won't work this year. Hopefully, they will have another one in spring (let me know if you have the inside scoop on this!)

Your pal, Pip

Noah said...

That is so cool! Will you be signing autographs? You are the first famous blogger I know!! Enjoy the trip.

Sassy Sites! said...

Thanks for participating in our Sassy Sites blog hop! So many great blogs on there!! Don't forget to come back for our Sunday Spotlight and to sign up for the giveaway, if you haven't already! It's gonna be a good one! :) xoxo

Marni @ Sassy Sites!

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

That is SO COOL!!! The sponsorship is REALLY exciting! Mom would love to go, but it doesn't fit into her schedule. It sounds like A LOT of fun, though. I guess we'll have to live vicariously through your Parental Unit! :-)

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Mutant Alien Pod Puppy

Unknown said...

That sounds like so much fun!!
I think staying at home is great, especially if you get to guard the house!

Erin said...

Thanks for visiting and following our blog. Following you back & also following you on Twitter & Facebook too. You have a great blog and we especially enjoy your Stalking the Squirrel Series! I wouldn't be surprised if you do become famous one day!
Hugs Erin & Mom

Pup Fan said...

AWESOME! Congrats Bocci! :)

Amy / Layla the Malamute said...

That is so cool! Congratulations!! I had no idea they had conferences for things like this. That's really awesome.

Unfortunately, we won't be able to make it. Denver's a little too far. That's where the Malamute National is in October, and we can't make that either. Unless I win the lottery before then.

Duke said...

Mom and dad will be raising Steve's barn on that weekend. We can't wait to hear all about the great time your mom is going to have, Bocci!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

AngelPups said...

Congratulations to your Parental Unit, Bocci! You are definitely needed to hold down the fort though...and keep up posted on the excitement!
Kelly & Crew

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