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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Check Out This Video!

I'll bet most of you are familiar with that amazing, and attention-getting blog called "Life With Dogs", that combines intelligence, humor and endless variations of dog news to magical effect. If by some slim chance you haven't seen it, visit immediately, if not sooner!

Anyway, Parental Unit and I were lucky enough to meet this blog's creator, Neil, at the last BlogPaws conference, and now we're both being sponsored by Pedigree to attend the second conference, BlogPaws West in Denver in just nine days.

But I wanted to call your attention to one of the most beautiful (and yes, heartwarming:-)) videos I've ever seen-about an amazing rescue dog called Oogy, who went from death's door to beloved family member. This is just one of tons of teriffic news items and other fun stuff posted on Life with Dogs.

Watch this video (with tissues clutched in your paws) right here:



NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

That one is SUCH a winner!


Unknown said...

What a beautiful video!!!

Must have been so cool to meet Neil!

Life With Dogs said...

You are a love to share Oogy's story - thank you so much for doing so. I really look forward to catching up in Denver! :)

Oh and congrats for the award as well!

Unknown said...

following from blog hop...would love to have you follow back.

Duke said...

Mom wants to know why she ever bothers applying mascara in the morning!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Pup Fan said...

Excellent choice. Oogy's story is very moving!

Anonymous said...

I will be buying the book. It did make me tear up.

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