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Saturday, June 05, 2010

Here's A "Review" of the Doggie Concert!

Read a Yahoo review of the howlin' good time everyone had at the concert. Complete with a picture of an Aussie Wire Fox Terrier!
Enjoy it right here:  news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100605/ap_en_mu/as_australia_music_for_dogs


Duke said...

We so wish we could have been there! It sounds like it was lots of fun!
We just got off the phone with Tim, Bocci! He has your collar order! We can't wait to see it. It's going to look very handsome on you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Bocci said...

It did sound like fun, didn't it? Loved that picture of a "Wire"!

I'm beside myself with excitment-I never thought I'd be wearing such a beautiful handcrafted collar!

Your buddy,

Anonymous said...

Hopping on through from the blog hop. Nice to meet you!

Asta said...

Thanks Bocci
That is soooo coool!!!!
I love it
( I sometimes play the piano and Mommi says I'm inflooenced by a guy named Shostkovitch, ehehehehe
smoochie kisses

Bocci said...

Hi Much Ado...! So glad you hopped on by and put us on you blogroll, became a Follower, and more!
I'll visit right now!
Your buddy,

Bocci said...

Your inflooences are very highfalutin, Asta! I'm sure you're a star on the piano!

Your buddy,

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