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Sunday, May 16, 2010

National Dog Bite Prevention Week?

When I first heard that May 17- 22 is national Dog Bite Prevention Week, I couldn't believe it! I had never been bitten by a human before, and couldn't believe that any self-respecting human would want to bite a dog, let alone during one specific week in the beautiful month of May.

Then, in the middle of my rant, Parental Unit tapped me on the shoulder and silently pointed to this week's edition of Cesar Millan's Newsletter, which explains what Dog Bite Prevention Week is really all about. Oops-am I red-faced, or what?

It turns out that this special week was started by none other than the United States Post Office to raise awareness of the number of dog bites that happen every year (that's dog biting human-duh!). Can you believe that there are almost 4.5 million dog bites each year in the U.S.?  Yikes!
Find out more about it here:
Today's newsletter also has an article about how to prevent your child from getting bitten by a dog, which provided lots of helpful tips. ( Personally, I love when little humans pet me-all the easier to lick off the sticky, sweet stuff that's always on their hands and face).

Anyway, you can sign up for The Dog Whisperer's free newsletter by going to his web site, Cesar's Way -the newsletter information is right on the front page. Then you can look forward to reading it every Sunday! Let me take this opportunity to remind you all that my picture was in his newsletter just 2 short weeks ago, and his newsletter archives are available on his web site under "News" :-).

So instead of embarrasing yourself like I did, get the correct information before you start ranting, O.K.?


Duke said...

We never knew such a thing existed, Bocci! We're heading over to Cesar's site and signing up for his newsletter! Thanks for letting us know about it!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Bocci said...

Oh good! Parental Unit and I really do look forward to reading it every week. Very informative!
Thanks for stoppin by, you two,
Your buddy,

For the Love of Dogs said...

Thanks for the information! We're promoting this at the animal hospital as well! Also, just wanted to tell you, you won an award on my blog!

Bocci said...

Glad to see we're promoting the same things! An award? I would be thrilled to accept! I would like to thank my agent, .... :-)
Your buddy,

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