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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Purrfectplay...And A Give-A-Way!

Just as Parental Unit and I were getting ready to leave the recent BlogPaws conference, we stopped at a beautiful display of pet products and toys called "Purrfectplay", owned by a lovely woman named Pam Wheelock. I ran after one of the balls right then and there!
See the picture of her display at BlogPaws below:

Photo credit:  

Pam immediately offered to give the ball to me as a gift, and generously asked Parental Unit if she had any other pets. So our cat Bella got a present, too - a wool covered organic catnip toy!

See the toys (before we got to them) below:

L-R:  Organic wool, covering organic catnip, cat toy (Parental Unit has dubbed it the "Catnip Carrot"), and organic wool-covered ball. The ball is washable and comes with its own organic cotton sock for easy transportation and or machine washing!

As you all know, there are plenty of balls and catnip toys out there for our furry friends, but what makes these toys different is how they're made and what they're made with.
According to purrfectplay.com, the company is "dedicated to sustainable, fair trade principles, ... use only organic, dye free and reclaimed materials",  and all of the toys are handcrafted in the good ol'e USA. They even donate 5% of their total sales (which is more generous than a percentage of profits), to "no kill" and rescue organizations - and their website tells you exactly which organizations receive your hard earned money.

A note from Parental Unit: These toys appear to be extremely well-crafted and sturdy! And they feel great too!

So here's a few pictures of Bella and me playing with our new toys:

Bella looks a bit tentative here, but she literally chewed through the paper bag to get to it!

Good thing it's too big for me to swallow! That's why they come in different sizes!

Oops! Here I am gnawing on the catnip toy! Just "payback time" because earlier today, Bella was playing with my ball. (Parental Unit was not sufficiently caffeinated to get a picture).

I urge you to check out Pam's excellent website at purrfectplay.com. She also has a newsletter ( sign-up-it's free!), and a blog at: purrfectplay.typepad.com/ . She has a link on the blog titled, "Articles" where you can read lots of eye-opening information about toxic chemicals, fabric dyes, plastics, and the importance of using organic materials for making pet toys, bedding, and even collars and leashes. This stuff is important to Parental Unit and me - that's why we both gravitated to her display and are now reviewing her products. But, if you're not familiar with the reasoning behind ideas like, "sustainability", "fair trade" and "organic", Pam's articles are well written and extremely informative. According to Parental Unit, these aren't just "buzz words". These ideas, when put into practice, really mean something to our everyday lives and the health of the planet we all share.
By the way, this isn't important to me, but Purrfectplay sells some nifty gifts for humans too :-)

So the moment you've all been waiting for! The free products that you can win! Here's how:

The first two "Official Followers" of my blog who comment on this post will win one of the two toys pictured: either the wool-covered ball or the catnip cat toy. Let me know which one you prefer. I will notify the winners by a post on my blog, so check back frequently. The winners may then contact the owner of Purrfectplay, Pam Wheelock, by e-mail at info@purrfectplay.com. She will make sure that you get the toys shipped to you, and that you receive the correct size for your pets. You probably should mention in your e-mail to Pam that you're winner of the Bocci's Beefs contest-she'll be expecting you!
Note: If either or both of the winners live outside of the U.S., there will be a shipping charge. Those in the U.S. will receive their winning toys with free shipping.

And here's one additional prize!
Anyone (other than the 2 winners) may use the discount code below for a generous 25% off your total order from Purrfectplay! Hurry-this discount code won't last forever!

Bocci's Beefs Discount Code: 5111520219

Thanks everyone!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Bocci!
Those toys are pawesome!
I can see you two liked them a lot!
Kisses and hugs

Bocci said...

Looks like you have won the wool ball, Lorenza! Congrats!
(I'm assuming you want the ball and not the catnip toy...).

Your buddy,

For the Love of Dogs said...

Awesome giveaway!! Those toys are great! I think its time to do one myself stay tuned!

Bocci said...

Congrats to you, "For the Love of Dogs", you just won the catnip cat toy! Hope you love cats too!

Asta said...

What a tewwific giveaway and pwizes. We love those toys and mommi pwomised me she would get me something fwom the nice lady. We love hew idea and pwinciples. thank you fow telling us. You bof look totally adowable in youw pictoowes.
bocci, don't wowwy, I'm not weally dwinking alcohol..it was just a joke
smoochie kisses

Duke said...

Those are really cool toys, Bocci! We'll be checking out the links! Congratulations to the winners!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

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