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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Surprise! We're On Cesar Millan's Web Site!

I think I mentioned to you all that when Parental Unit and I returned home from the BlogPaws conference, Parental Unit spent several days chained to her computer and on the phone. I couldn't figure out why, but I could tell she was giddy with excitement.
Well, she just showed me this link to...none other than Cesar Millan's web site, Cesar's Way! We are proud to announce that we have written an article about the BlogPaws conference for the pack leader of all pack leaders, Cesar! (I helped by reminding Parental Unit of some key points about the conference, which due to her advanced years, she had forgotten). Check it out here: www.cesarsway.com/news/dognews/BlogPaws-Conference
Hope you enjoy!

P.S. Don't pass out, Agatha and Archie!


Duke said...

OMG, you're famous, Bocci! What a great article and a wonderful picture of you and your Parental Unit!
Well done!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Moxie Paws said...

Congrats and thanks for reminder of continuing the great work from BlogPaws! CHEERS!

Cassandra Cappello said...


Nelly said...

You're famous! How cool is that?

Nelly xx

Bocci said...

Hi Maggie and Mitch,
Well, at least we feel famous, and that's what counts!
Thanks for the support!
We love you guys (and gals)!

Your buddy,

Bocci said...

Thanks for the support, Cassandra-we hope to see you soon!

Bocci said...

And thank you, Moxie Paws! We shall "keep on truckin'" for such a great organization like BlogPaws!
Your buddy,

Bocci said...

Nelly, my friend, where have you been? We miss you !
Thanks so much for your support!
Love to you and Fini!
Your buddy,

Lisa (The Pet Book Lady) said...

Way to go Bocci! Your parental unit is very talented indeed. Watch out for the pupparazzi now.

Lorenza said...

Pawesome, Bocci!
Kisses and hugs

Jans Funny Farm said...

Great job of sharing BlogPaws.

Bocci said...

Hi Lisa-thanks for your support!

Bocci said...

Hi Lorena,
It is pawsome! We are thrilled cause we're both such big fans of Cesar Millan!
Stay tuned for even more news!

Bocci said...

Thanks, Jan and your funny farm-please spread the good word!

Sunshade said...

HI Bocci,

My name is Miss Sunshade. That is SO COOL you are famous!!!

I saw the teeny picture of you while I was commenting on another bloggie and I just had to come and say hi. You are very cute, do you have some of "us" Airedales in you??

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Bocci said...

Hi Sunshade-so glad you stopped by! We have lots of Airdale friends, so welcome to the pack!
I'm a terrier mix of some sort... Airdale would be great!
Please become a follower, so you can get in on some nifty free products-see latest post...to be written later tonight!
Your buddy,

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