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Sunday, March 14, 2010

My Doc And Me

As you can see in this picture, I recently paid a visit to my doctor, Michael Weisel, DVM. Since Parental Unit has known him for about 20 years, she gets to call him, "Dr Mike" (after Jane Seymour's character on that show, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman that Parental Unit just loved!). I'd been having some "stomach troubles" for over a month now, and Parental Unit had tried one thing after another. But Dr. Mike knew just how to handle it - first he gave me a thorough check up, and finding nothing out of the ordinary ( like a ball in my stomach), put me on a 10 day course of antibiotics/tummy soothers called Metronidazole.  And ya know, I started feeling better right away. And I can tell Parental Unit has started to relax a little bit because she's noticed that the stuff comin' out of me looks a lot better, which has eased her worries.

So now that I'm feeling better, let me tell you a little bit about Dr. Mike and his small clinic-he's a one-man show! He graduated from The Ohio State University Vet School way back in the dark ages (oops, I mean in 1980) and immediately set up this clinic just east of the campus. He realized that this area was underserved for vet services - the residents were mostly students and low income folks who needed good medical attention for their furry companions.

Wait... Parental Unit is insisting that I tell you this quick story: she was in his clinic a few years ago with her late dog, Carson, and Dr. Mike and all of his helpers were in the back tending to an emergency. She was the only one up front, and this guy and his dog walk in, hand her a one dollar bill, and ask her to give it to Dr. Mike-it turns out that he was paying off his bill for his beloved pooch's emergency surgery, one dollar at a time...thanks to my kind Doc.
If you live in or near Columbus, check out Dr. Weisel at: www.chittendenveterinaryclinic.com.


Lorenza said...

Glad to know you are feeling better now!
Your Vet is a very nice man!
Kisses and hugs

Bocci said...

Yes he is Lorenza! Thanks for stopping by!
Your buddy,

Nelly said...

I like Dr Mike. He is kind. I'm so glad your output is better!

Nelly xx

Bocci said...

Ha! Me too! Yeah, Dr. Mike is an excelelnt Doc and a good guy, for sure.
Thanks for stopping by, Nelly!
Your buddy,

Duke said...

We're so glad that Dr. Mike fixed your tummy troubles, Bocci! He's definitely a keeper!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Bocci said...

"We" too-we're all happier around here!
Parental Unit gets very worried when I'm not 100%!

Your buddy,

TwoSpecialWires said...

We are happy happy happy that you found us! How did we go almost a year (yup ... we're coming up on our one year bloggaversary!) without meeting! It must be our LUCKY DAY! (It'll get luckier when Moma gets off the laptop and takes us out into this AMAZING weather!)

We promise to come back soon and get to know ya better, but wanted to let you know we've added you to our sidebar. In the Wires and Such column. Cuz you are much more than JUST a terrier mix. You are one of the "such" that we love!

Thanks for stopping by and come back soon!
Jake and Fergi xxoo

Bocci said...

Thanks so much Jake and Fergie-we will definitley stop back soon!
Keep a lookout for a tribute to Parental Unit's late Wire, Carson -coming soon (as soon as she has time to get the pictures transferred to discs!)

Your new buddy,

Life With Dogs said...

Wow, that is a great vet! And Metronidazole is your best friend when you need it, no? :)

Bocci said...

Yes! I think you can call those white pills a "friend", but my Parental Unit just discovered that I ate the yummy pill pocket today and left the pill in my bowl - she was not happy...

Your buddy,

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