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Sunday, March 07, 2010

My Aunt's New Website Is Live!

Hey everyone. I hope you make time to check out my Aunt's new website at: www.reneedemartinphotographyanddesign.com. She's been a professional photographer for over 20 years, and won many awards for her pics-including placing in national photo competitions.
Although my Parental Unit is a bit biased since Renee is her big sister, she thinks she's really talented, and in my opinion, these photos prove it!
My keen intuition tells me that you'll particularly enjoy the "Pets" portfolio. If I may say so, she really captures our joyous spirit. I'm told that she just can't help herself - she just worships all animals and wildlife, and I bet you'll agree that her love shows in these photos!
Enjoy and tell me what you think!


Duke said...

Your Aunt takes gorgeous photos, Bocci! Mom sorta squirmed when she saw the snake and the rats and the spider though! YUK!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Bocci said...

Yep, my Parental Unit squirmed some too. She has no problem with spiders, but mice? Eeeech!
Thanks a ton for checking it out!
Your buddy, Bocci.

Life With Dogs said...

I think I'd love to have such talents!

Bocci said...

My Parental Unit and I hearily agree with you!
Thanks for stopping by,

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