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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Here Ye, Here Ye! Calling All Pet Bloggers!

I have some exciting news to announce! That's why my heavy use of exclaimation marks!
So hold on to your seats, folks - there's a national pet blogging conference being held in Columbus, Ohio (my hometown), this April 9th and 10th, organized by BlogPaws.com!  Can you believe it? Over 250 pet bloggers from all over the country will meet up with leading pet experts and pet care providers to commune, party, and otherwise hobnob about pets and their blogosphere. There will be famous keynote speakers (can you say, Andrea Arden, star of Animal Planet's, Underdog to Wonderdog?), panel discussions, educational breakout sessions, and social events aplenty.
My Parental Unit is over-the-top excited to be helping out with the conference. And I get to go for at least a little while, cause the hotel hosting the conference is of course, pet friendly. Yippee! Something tells me they'll be a few dog treats to be had-don't you think?
By the way, BlogPaws was founded by a group of passionate pet bloggers, social media experts, and career marketers as a resource for pet bloggers and pet brands to connect online-they also give back to the pet community by donating to shelters and rescues.  If you're interested in learning more about BlogPaws and the BlogPaws 2010 Conference, check it out here: www.blogpaws.com/blogpaws/blogpaws-2010.html
Hope to see you there!


Your Daily Cute said...

Yay! Can't wait to see you there! It's going to be PAWSOME.

P.S. I love your "Things I've Ruined" list. What a fun idea to keep track of!

Bocci said...

Thanks-it sure will be pawsome! We're all "crazy excited" in our neck of the woods!

McGillicutty said...

Bocci, me lad!!!

How cool! I know that you guys will have a blast!! Let us know how it is!!

I love me walkies with me mom and me fur mom. What a great time we have, and me keeps me physique!!! Get your parental unit out---it's spring!!! We even go in the rain---I have a little yellow raincoat! But, we don't have to deal with the cold climate factor too much here.

Irish Love,

Duke said...

Wow! This sounds like fun! We sure wish we could go!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Bocci said...

I'll be gettin' out more me Irish lad-it was almost 70 degrees here today! Truth be told, we only missed one day all winter, when it was a near blizzard! And I'm psyched to go to the conference-will definitely tell you all about it. Wish all my pals could come! Blogpaws is having a sweepstakes and if you win, you get the whole trip free-no harm in tryin' Maybe " the luck o' the Irish" will be with ya!

Your buddy,

Bocci said...

Hi Maggie and Mitch,
I wish you could make it too! Try the sweepstakes given by BlogPaws-if you win you get the whole trip free!

Talk with you soon, my friends,

Bunny Jean Cook said...

yay - mom iz so excited to meet ur hooman! xoxo BJC

Bocci said...

Ditto for my Parental Unit!
See you real soon!

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