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Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Model Dog

Hey, not that I'm bragging or anything, but did you know that I was a model for a famous artist? Hiroshi Hayakawa is a really great photographer, artist, and a professor at the college where Parental Unit teaches writing. Well, I was visiting school one day when Professor Hayakawa was working on his book - it's called, Kirigami Menagerie, 38 Paper Animals To Copy, Cut & Fold . It gives really detailed directions on how to make all sorts of animals with paper -the cool thing is, they are so good they all look real!
Well, he was having a hard time coming up with perfect looking terrier, and there I was just sitting there getting treats from his lovely spouse, Nanette Hayakawa. And the rest, as they say, is history!  Here's the book's cover and the terrier page - see for yourself!


You can actually buy this book (with me in it!) at Barnes and Noble or at Amazon.com Check out these links!




Cassandra Cappello said...

O Bocci I wish that I was that famous! If I had any money I would buy your book. But I know that my mom wont let me. ;(

- Gus

Duke said...

Wow! We had no idea that you were a celebrity, Bocci! Can we have your pawtograph?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Bocci said...

Nice to hear from ya, Gus. Glad you like the book! You oughta come to school more often-you're book material too. And it was easy, I didn't even have to lift a paw...

Bocci said...

Well, Maggie and Mitch, if you insist... O.K. everyone who wants a pawtograph, the line forms to the right!

Jan said...

A celebrity dog. We are impressed.

Bocci said...

Thanks for checking in, Jan-become a "follower" when you can!

Agatha and Archie said...

WHOA!! PAWTOGRAPH PLEASE!!!!!!! Sorry we have been tardy but our secretary claims she has been busy..pah...Hey our PL1(that's pack leader 1 and pack leader 2 ) teaches writing as well! he is on vacation now.and very happy he has no papers to grade..Love A+A

bathmate said...

Good posting. I like it. It's pretty much impressive.

Bocci said...

Hi Bathmate,
Glad you liked it-please stop back! And don't forget to become a "follower" when you get a chance-it's easy!

Bocci said...

Thanks for your comment, Nick. I'll contact you through your website to find out what kind of info you think would make the site more informative

Nick Matyas said...

Only for human no spam !!!


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